Harry gone missing

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It's been three weeks since the wedding, and maybe you don't remember so let me refresh,(clears throat) catastrophe wedding, Harry is still single,Ahahahhahahah. But the bad news is he is no where to be found. news reports,newspapers, lost signs have been happening a lot, everyone is looking for Harry. WHERE IS HE, IS HE OK? I'm kinda freaking out because Harry is missing, I have to get my mind off it for awhile probably somewhere far and out of town. so as I'm walking I started to see this unusual little abandon house, so I go to check it out. It's dark I can't see anything or hear anything, but, I feel.... something. I'm scared idk what's grabbing me!!!!then I feel a pair of lips against mine, I swear to god, if I see Monkey kissing me imma flip out. I lean back and say "who's there?!, Who are you!!?" I'm scared but the thing is I can't run away the thing that's out there closed the door! Then I tried to back away, but it grabbed my arm and said"please.....don't go" I turn on my flashlight and I see Harry.I'm happy yet surprised. "cmon lets out of here" I say. "ok,but please don't let them see me, I don't want people to ask me a bunch of questions and hating me for not marrying her" he says. "ok, don't worry about it you are safe with me"i say. ok, we are at my house and I say " hey,um can I ask you something?" "sure what's up" he says. then I start to speak "um.......why didn't you marry taylor?"

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