Chapter 4 - Shades of Gold

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"Skywalker, is everything alright?" Dooku's concern is unmistakable. Anakin forces himself to meet the elder Sith's gaze. While he did get more sleep last night, he's still feeling exhausted – emotionally more than physically – and stressed. It must show. He'd considered trying to meditate in the Room of One Thousand Fountains where he crossed paths with the Count.

"Not really," sighs Anakin, dropping to the ground next to Dooku and tilting his head to look at him. "I had a nightmare or vision last night."

Dooku raises an eyebrow. "Serious?"

"You could say that," mutters Anakin, eyes focusing on the grass beneath them. He really, really doesn't want to talk about this, but he knows how important it is. If Sidious is planning something – and trying to manipulate Anakin – then they all need to know. But he doesn't think that the deceased Sith had anything to do with what he saw last night. It was important. He just can't figure out why.

"Maybe we should talk about it later," Dooku suggests. "I was about to leave for the Senate to join Senator Amidala."

Anakin stares at him in confusion. Dooku is going to the Senate with Padme? Since when? Oh. Right. It had completely slipped his mind that the Senate asked – demanded rather – that Dooku testify before them with respect to Palpatine's plans and his own role in them. In order for the Republic to agree that trying to make a peace treaty with the remainder of the Separatists is important, Dooku needs to explain that the war was started at Sidious' behest.

"Right. Forgot." He shakes his head quickly. "Yes, later would be good."

"You should meditate. It might help," Dooku informs him as he stands up and brushes off his cloak. "I'm sure Tano will be along shortly. She spent a long time finding what you need for your new lightsaber." Instead of the reproof that Anakin nearly expected for taking Ahsoka away from what Dooku considers important work, he only hears amusement.

Anakin nods, shifting into a meditative position and closing his eyes as Dooku walks away. "I'm meditating in the Room of One Thousand Fountains," he tells Ahsoka through their bond. "You can find me here when you have everything for my new lightsaber."

"I'll be there shortly," she replies.

Really, Anakin knows that he ought to go see what on the list is left, but she enjoys the assignment. Besides, he has far more important matters to sort out, namely his vision or nightmare last night. He tries to meditate, he really does, but he can't seem to calm himself enough to connect properly with the Force. He needs answers which he is unable to find.

Eventually, Ahsoka breaks him out of his failed attempts. "Master, I got everything which you need," she announces cheerfully, dropping onto the grass next to him and extending a small box. Inside, Anakin can see an assortment of components, some of which will need to be modified.

"I can do most of this here, I think," he murmurs, taking the box from her. "Thank you for helping me. Did you bring some tools?"

"Yup! Right here." She pushes them at him before sitting back to let him work. "So," she begins as he withdraws the first thing which he plans to adjust, "You aren't back to your usual self this morning. Figured that a night of sleep would make you feel better, no?"

Anakin hums quietly. "Yes, it would have if I hadn't seen something rather disturbing last night." He smiles mirthlessly, focusing on the components in his hands.

"Want to tell me?" she prompts when he remains silent.

"Long story short. Dooku and I were dueling. I defeated him. Sidious told me to kill him, so I did." He tries to keep his words from sounding brusque but doesn't quite succeed.

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