Chapter 8 - Culprit

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~ Amina Gila

It's night by the time Anakin gets an update from Padme about the situation. She sends him a simple text comm, explaining that the Senate voted to have Tarkin head the investigation with the Coruscanti guard and the 501st working beneath him. It's a small victory, but Anakin is pleased, nevertheless. The situation is far too volatile for him – or one of the Jedi Council members – to be completely ignorant of the goings on.

Vos contacts him shortly thereafter. "Have you found anything?" Anakin queries immediately after the hologram appears.

The Jedi – new Sith's – face is grim, unlike usual. "Ventress is on planet," he reports. "I was trailing her when she somehow managed to lose me. Her skills far surpass anything I've seen or heard from her, and there was a strange anomaly in the Force around her."

Anakin frowns, senses prickling with unease. "Anomaly how?"

"I... don't know how to explain it," Vos admits, "But she felt wrong somehow."

"See if you can locate her again," Anakin instructs, "And if you do, contact me immediately."

"Will do," Vos assures him before disconnecting the comm.

Anakin wishes now more than ever that Dooku was awake so they could talk about the most recent turn of events. He needs some guidance, and he doesn't want to disturb Obi-Wan yet. In the morning, hopefully once they have more information, he and Ahsoka will call Obi-Wan to update him.

His commlink beeps again, and it's Rex this time. "General, we have a problem." The commander sounds irked, and Anakin can almost feel his irritation in the Force. "Tarkin isn't letting us continue our investigation. He insists that the Coruscanti guard under Commander Fox need to review our work thus far, because one of us might have allowed the perpetrator to enter the premises."

Anger surges up at the insinuation, but Anakin tamps it down. He needs to remain level-headed for the moment. This is far bigger than they'd initially realized, he can feel it. "Remain as close to the investigation as you can then," Anakin instructs, "And report back to me if you have any other information. Do you know anything else about the suspect?"

"No, sir, but based on what we did see, it may be a female," Rex informs him.

"Ventress," Anakin hisses.

"I did tell Tarkin that she may have been involved. I asked if we could send out a search party, but he refused." Rex answers.

Anakin starts. "She's a wanted fugitive!" he exclaims.

"I know, and I told him, but he said that we need to devote our resources to locating the perpetrator. She is nothing more than a distraction which we cannot afford, he told me," Rex explains.

"Something isn't right. Be careful," Anakin cautions before disconnecting the comm.

He doesn't know who to talk to, but if nothing else, he can check on Dooku and ensure that he's alright. Maybe simply being in the Count's presence will be enough to keep him calm. As he gets closer, he senses a disturbance in the Force up ahead, cloaking himself completely behind shielding which both Dooku and Obi-Wan had taught to him.

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