Chapter 6

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As soon as we made it back we parted our ways. Vern went home, Gordie and Chris went to the tree house and Teddy and I went to his house to make the call. They thought it was best that I did the talking. I dialed the number and told them I had seen Ray Brower's body at the back Harlow road while fishing. When I had hang up we went up to Teddy's room. There was a lot of army stuff. I asked occasional questions about the stuff and he always had a clear answer. In a frame on his dresser was a picture of a man. "Is this your dad?" I ask him. "Yeah." I smiled at him. "You look just like him." He really did, same eyes and everything. He smiled but didn't say anything. I didn't understand why Teddy loved his dad so much. He was crazy and even burned Teddy's ear off.

After a few hours of just messing around and listening to music I went home. 


The next few months we had been tormented by the cobras every time we we're spotted by them. They hadn't done anything horrible yet but we knew it was coming. I begged Sam to try and get them off our backs but he was as scared of Ace as we were. 

I went to the corner store to grab some candy for me and the guys to share. I was on my way to the tree house anyway. I payed and was about to walk out when I saw Ace and Eyeball walking past the store. I prayed they wouldn't come in. I went to the back of the store so they wouldn't spot me through the window. I hear the ring of the bell and then Ace and Eyeball speaking. I tried to maneuver my way to the door without being spotted but as soon as I opened the door they locked eyes with me. I started sprinting as fast as I could towards the tree house. I ducked into an alley when they had fallen a bit behind. I ran behind the buildings and hid. They didn't find me but I knew when they did I was in for it.

After a few minutes of waiting I decided it was good for me to come out and make it to the tree house. I ran there and made it in less than five minutes. I did the secret knock and the hatch was opened. "Finally Brooke, we've been waiting all day for you." Chris says. I make it up and sit down. "I just got chased by the cobras, but I got candy!" I said as I held up the bag. Everyone took there pick. "Did you ask your brother to try and get Ace off us?" Chris asked me taking a bite of his chocolate. We knew if we asked Eyeball, Chris' brother the torment would be even worse. "I've been trying, Sam said he's trying to make subtle comments about laying off us, but they don't listen." I say. Gordie sighed. Chris and Gordie were getting it the worst out of all of us because they had stood up to Ace the most. 

Eventually a new topic was brought up and the mood was back to normal. 

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