Chapter 19

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Zayn and I walk slowly back to my party. He keeps a tight hold on my hand, as if he expects to run away any second now. His grip was actually starting to hurt so I squeeze his hand to reassure him that  I wasn’t going anywhere.

My birthday party continues until the late hours of the night, and I have to say, it was amazing. Everything was perfect… well other than the fact that Niall kept saying that if the party had been back in England then there could have been booze. I finally got him off my back by pointing out one of my girl friends that had just turned 21. He quickly went over to her and put on his Irish charm to get a drink.

I feel a arm wrap around my waist and then I hear Zayn’s deep voice in my ear.

 “They want you up on the stage now.”

I curiously look up at him and he just shrugs to say he doesn’t know why. He walks me all the way to stage steps but then Ella takes his place beside me. I think that’s the first time he’s left my side all night.

Ella hooks her arm with my own and escorts me to the center of the stage. She practically shoves me down in a chair and tells me not to move a muscle. Maggie struts onto the stage with a microphone.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” She says into the mic. “We have a special treat for all of you and especially for Avery.”

Maggie and Avery exit the stage and then all lights in the building go off. I feel my heart start to beat a little faster. Was this part of their plan? Oh, god I hope so. I hear feet shuffling around me and they stop right in front of me. I swear, if they got me strippers, I’m going to kick-

The lights flick on and there in front of me stand 5 of my best friends from theU.K.They stand in a semi-circle around me, all facing me.

“Everyone please welcome One Direction!” Maggie’s voice echos through the club. Every single person let out a yell or a scream and that reminded me just how many people were looking at me right now. I look up at the boys faces and see them smiling at each other.

A familiar song begins to play. The same song that has been played on this day for the past 18 years of my life. I inwardly groan. This might be awkward.

Liam’s singing voice is the first I hear. He’s stand directly to my right.

“Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,”

Niall sings second and I grin up him.  Louis takes the next line.

“Happy Birthday

Dear Avery,”

Zayn takes the ‘dear Avery’ part and I feel my stomach flutter as he says my name.

“Happy Birthday to you,” Harry softly ends the song.

All of my friends erupt in applause and shouts. I hear many people wishing me a happy birthday from down in the crowd.

“Now Avery,” Liam says from above me. “I know it’s your birthday and you should be getting all the presents, but we need to ask you for one more thing.”

I knit my eyebrows together in confusion.

“We want to ask you,” Harry picks up where he left off. “If you will come back on tour with us.”

I jump out of my chair, which causes it to fall backwards. “Yes! Yes,yes,yes!” I yell.

They call laugh and then engulf me in a group hug.

“I love you guys.” I mumble into their chests. “I was scared that you wouldn’t want to bring me back on tour.”

They chuckle and we all pull apart.

“Of course we could want you back, silly.” Louis playfully hits my shoulder.

As if on cue, Want U Back by Cher Lloyd plays throughout the club. I start dancing like a dork and soon enough Ella and Maggie are joining me. We play to role of ‘White girls in the club’ and grind up on each other trying to look sexy. I’m sure we looked more ridiculous than sexy.

Zayn grips the top of my arm and pulls me to side, gently. He leans down so I can hear him over the pounding music.

“How about we get out of here?” His hot breath hits my neck and shiver a bit. I turn and look back at the girls. I see that they were already watching us. I guess they assumed what he had asked me and they wave me off, signaling that it was fine.

I look back up at Zayn and meet his beautiful brown eyes. It was hard to believe that just hours ago, I never wanted to see him again.

“Let’s go” I say. He smiles back down to me and it was impossible for me not to smile back. 



Alright, poopy chapter for not updating for a while. Sorry my loves!!! 

I shall try to update again soon! 

~Love, Kate

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