Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

“Surprise Avery!” Maggie yelled.

I screamed and ran to give her a tackle hug. She actually caught me and I just hugged her for a minute straight.

“Oh my god, how did you even get here?” I asked her when I finally pulled back.

“Alright, so here’s the story. I get this call in the middle of the night from you. Except it wasn’t you on the other end. Some guy this funny accent asking me to come to England. At first I was like who the hell… but then I was like duh, it’s Zayn! So, of course, I was like yes! And so he paid for the ticket and now here I am! HUG ME SISTER!”

I laugh and hug her. I then turn to face Zayn who was now standing in the living room. I run and give him a tackle hug also.

“Thank you, babe. This is the best gift ever!” I tell him.

“Anything for my darling.” He smiles. I quickly kiss him.

“Aww!” Maggie coos. “You are like so cute!”

“Shut up!”  I joke.

I introduce her to Ella and then ask her what’s been going on back home. As I expected, not much has happened. Home was literally the most boring place ever. But I still missed it.

“Alright, Mags, you’re only in England for a week. What shall we do?” I ask using dramatic hand gestures. Maggie brings the weirdness out in me.

“Well let me think…” She rubs her chin with her thumb for dramatic effect. “I’m 18 and that’s the legal drinking age. I think you know what I wanna do.”

All three of us girls share a look before we all shout “Hit the club!” This is going to be a good night.


The music pounds threw my body. The strobe lights flash on and off around the dance floor. The smell of alcohol filled the air. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the club. All five boys walked in front of us. I was surprised that Maggie hadn’t gone into total fan girl mode when she saw them. Anyways, they all walked in like the owned the place. Meanwhile, Ella, Maggie and I stumbled awkwardly behind them.

“Come on, let’s go dance!” Maggie yelled in my ear. I nod and we strut to the dance floor. We push through the people to get to the middle. Not knowing how to dance, I just fist pump and move my hips with the beat. Ella and Maggie were being all "sexy" an grinding up against eachother.

After a couple of songs I yell to Maggie. “You know what this club needs right now?”

“Some country music?” God, she knew me so well.

“Time to turn this into a honkytonk!” Ella gave me a strange look but I just smiled at her.

I hear her laugh behind me as I push people out of the way to get to the DJ booth. The DJ gave me a weird look as I pulled out my phone.

“Can you do me a huge favor and play this song?” I ask him.

“Um, I don’t think…”

“Please? I just want to show off to my boyfriend.” Not really, but for some reason that worked. He plugged the phone and jogged down to the dance floor.

Everyone was kind of just standing there, wondering why the music had stopped. Maggie had pushed people to the edge of the floor so there was room for us to dance. I can’t believe I was about to do this without even drinking first. I gave the DJ the thumbs up to start the music.

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