Chapter 11

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I watched the concert from a spot off stage. I have to say, it was quite entertaining to see them jumping around the stage and having fun while singing. I lean against the wall and crossed my arms as they finished up One Thing. That song always makes me dance but I’m trying to contain myself.Once Harry sings the last line, the grand piano is pushed back on to stage. Ooo I hope they’re singing one of the slow songs like Moments!

Zayn sat down on the bench, facing off stage toward me.

 "Alright guys, I want to sing a song written by our good friends, The Wanted.” Zayn speaks into the microphone. “This is for a girl that I met just the other night. I hope she likes it.” He’s looking right at me as he says this. Holy butterflies in my tummy…

He starts to play a tune that’s slightly familiar but I just can’t put my finger on it.

“This is not gonna last forever

It’s a time where you must hold on

And I won’t let you surrender

And I’ll heal you if you’re broken.”

Zayn sings alone. The other boys are on the side. I see Harry watching my reaction, but I quickly bring my eyes back to the piano.

“We can stand so tall together

We can make it through the stormy weather

We can go through it all together

Do it all together

Do it all

“I’ll be your strength

I will, I will, Iwill

I’ll be your strength

Yes I will, Iwill.”

I feel hot tear leaving a trail on my face. Happy tears, don’t worry. This song was so perfect. Zayn’s voice sounds so angelic… and he’s singing it to me. I feel someone grip my wrist and I look up to see Harry. He nods his head to the stage. I shake my head. I can’t go out there! I try to stand planted as he drags me out on to stage. He stops me right next to piano and leaves me there. Zayn looks up from the keys and right into my eyes as he sings.

“I won’t sleep ‘til the sky is calmer

Keep on searching ‘til I found you

And my love will be your armor

In this battlefield around you.”

Suddenly it’s just me and Zayn. There’s no stage, no crowd, just us.

“Hand in hand we walk together

We can make it through the stormy weather

We can break down walls together

Do it all together

Do it all

“I’ll be your strength

I will, I will, Iwill

I’ll be your strength

Yes I will, Iwill.”

Zayn finishes the song, not once taking is eyes off from my own. He stands and walks in front of me. His thumb reaches out and wipes the tears of joy and happiness that are still freely falling. I pull him in for a huge and then I snap back to the real world. I hear the screams of the crowd below us. I feel the heat of the lights on my back. His face is getting closer and closer to my own…

“Thank you Zayn. That was perfect.” I give him one last squeeze and step back. I flash a smile and run back off stage, no longer wanting to be in the audience’s presence.

I walk back to the common area and sit on the couch. Zayn Malik just sang me a song… at his concert… in front of thousands of his fans.Not just a song, but probably one of the most romantic songs that has more meaning to me than anyone will know. Well, obviously Zayn knows how much meaning it has to me.


I lay in bed staring up at the ceiling. Tonight had just been so amazing. Zayn never brought up the denied kiss from earlier, which I was glad of.  But after the concert,as we were trying to leave, fans had be shoot questions and comments at us left and right. 'How long is this one gonna last, Zayn?' 'I'm sure she's really a bitch.' and the FAQ of the night: 'So are you and this girl really dating, Zayn?'

I guess that was what was keeping me up at the moment. We're me and Zayn actually dating? Well yeah, we went on a date so thats dating, right? But are we offical? You know, boyfriend and girlfriend?

I sighed and hopped out of bed. I could just lay there right now. I wondered around the appartment for a while, which may sound a little weird but it made me a little tired! After succsessfully stubbing my toe a billion times, I head back up the stairs.

It's silent up here, except for a soft snoring sound coming from the master bedroom at the end of the hall way. I find my feet caring me to the room. I quitely push open the door and walk over to the bed. I lightly poke Zayn's shoulder.

"Hmm, whaa?" Zayn mumbles in an overly tired voice.

"Sorry, Zayn. i just can't sleep. Can I , um, sleep in here tonight?" I just wanted to be near someone right now. Ever get those random feelings?

"Of course, darling." He scootches over the far side of the king sized bed. I slip under the covers and stay close to the edge of the bed.

I was definatly tired now. My eye lids felt heavy and they slowly closed. I could feel myself slipping into lala land.

I was in that awkward half sleep stage when i heard someone whisper "Avery?"


"I think I love..." And thats the last thing I heard before I slipped into a deep sleep.



I cannot stop listening to Bon Jovi songs....

Anyways this is short and sucks but ya know.. whatever.


Oh and I'm thinking about starting another fan fic with Louis as the love interest :)

And i am so mad i cannot download the new single.. i might die. Okay i'm done. HASTA LUEGO

~Love, Kate

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