Chapter 4

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“Wakey, wakey.” A male voice rings out.

“Five more minutes, Daddy.” I mumble into the sheets. Wait- dad wasn’t alive anymore. And he defiantly wasn’t British. I shot up into a sitting position. That’s when the head ache hit. I moan and grab my head. I try to remember last night, but I draw a total blank after the shot. I open my eyes and only see a blurry mess.

“Shit. I need my contacts.” I groan to no one in general.

“Oh!” says a voice next to me; the same voice that woke me up. I turn my head to see a male figure standing next to the bed. My heart starts beating faster with panic. “Here are my glasses.” He’s holding something out to me.

I slowly reach out and grab them. Wow, these are perfect for me. I look up to the figure next to the bed and see a familiar face.


He walks down to the end of the bed and sits down. “You remember last night?

“No, I just recognize you.” I study the room around me. Dark walls, red bed sheets, few posters… nothing special. “What happened?” I ask.

“Well I danced for a little bit at the party and then when I said I’ll bring you home you screamed ‘Don’t bring me back to that she-devil’. I decided to just bring you here because you freaking out pretty bad.”

“Oh. We didn’t, like, do… anything, right?” He laughs. It’s a beautiful laugh that makes me want to smile back. Whoa, who just thought that? This guy is a complete stranger!

“No,” He answers. “I wouldn’t do that to a woman, ever.” Me? A woman? Who was this kid? I just smile at him, but it quickly turns into a frown.

“Where’s Ella?” Anyone could hear the panic in my voice.

“Girl with the red hair?” I nod. “We couldn’t find her.”

“Oh.” That was all I could say. My head ache was getting worse. Zayn must have noticed my pained expression.

“You need food. Come on, let’s go down stairs and I’ll find you something.”

“Okay.” I slowly stand up and then get a good whiff of myself. Ew! “Um, do you think I could borrow something to wear? I know we don’t know each other, but I feel nasty-“

“Yeah, take whatever.” He smiles at me. “Meet me down stairs, okay?

“’Kay” He smiles again and walks out. I walk over to a door that I assumed was a closet. Everything inside was neatly folded or hanging. I open a drawer that was filled with shirts and pull out a light blue one. Then I find a pair of black sweats. That’s good, although it needs a little something… I see a black and white flannel hanging up. Yes! I only remember knowing the guy for 15 minutes and I already like him.

I slide into his clothes (which smell wonderful, I may add). I follow the low murmur of voices down the stairs and to the kitchen. Once I’m outside of the kitchen I hear what the voices are saying.

“You brought a girl home?” I deep voice asks, sounding shocked.

“Nothing happened!” I realize this is Zayn’s voice. “I mean, besides a little snogging.” What the hell was snogging?! I decide this be a good time to enter the room.

I walk in to have five heads snap in my direction. Ah, the boys of Wand Erection. They look just as good in person as they do in posters.

“Um, hi… Y’all are staring at me.” I say.

Zayn snaps out of the daze first. “Do you want some aspirin?” He asks. Tehe his accent is so adorable. Whoa, what?

“That’d be great.” Zayn turns his back to the rest of us so he can search the cabinets.

“Well, I’m Louis!” I whip my head to the boy sitting across the room from me, waving like a maniac.

“I’m Niall.” Says the blonde boy next to him, with his mouth half full of toast.

“My name’s Liam.” This was the boy who must have been talking before I came in. He leaning back in his chair with is hands resting behind his head. He didn’t look too thrilled to see me.

“Hello, Love, I’m Harry.” That voice. It’s the same one from my first night here. It sounds the same drunk. I look up to his face and see the same unruly hair. I tense up and clench my teeth together. Don’t say anything, don’t say anything… Yeah right that’s not going to happen.

“Love is it now? What happened to bitch and white trash, hm?” I say as calmly as I can. Everyone looks shocked except for Harry. He looks like he’s about to be sick.

I spot the front door and stomp toward it, slamming it on my way out. I follow the emergency exit signs to the stairwell. I go down a couple of flights to end up collapsing in a dark corner. I put my head in my hands and take deep breaths. Harry Styles was really the one to yell at me that night? Oh, I just want to kick that boy where no boy wants to be-

“Avery!” Someone cuts off my thoughts. A few seconds later, Zayn comes running down and sees me sitting in the corner. Obviously not the best hiding place.

“First of all, here,” He hands me a water bottle and a couple of Advil. “Second of all, what the actual fuck?” Tehe he sounds funny when he says fuck…

I told Zayn about the walk that night and about running into Harry.

“I’m sorry, Love.” The look in his deep brown eyes makes me believe that he’s being sincere. “People don’t think right when they are drunk… especially you.” He chuckles.

“I can’t believe I don’t remember last night!”

“Well you didn’t miss much. Mostly just dancing and um…snogging…”

“Alright, dumb American moment. What the hell is snogging?!”

Zayn turns slightly red. “Um… Making out?” He says it more like a question. I laugh at his shyness.

“Look, not to sounds rude, but why are you being so nice to me? You knew me for one night, while I was drunk, and you’re treating me like we’re the best of friends.”

“There’s something about you that makes me want to get to know you better. And being a dick won’t help me get to know you any better, now will it?” I smile a little and nod in agreement. He puts a hand on the back of his neck and looks nervously down at the floor. “Will you go out to dinner with me, Avery?”

I think about it for a minute. Yeah, I might not know this kid, but he did take care of me last night. How bad could he be? I tell him that I’d love to.

“Great!” A huge smile was plastered on his face. “Now let’s go get your stuff and I’ll bring you home. Sound good?”

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