Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

 I rev up the engine of ATV and zoomed off into the forest. It felt good to be home. The green leaves causing everything to have a green-ish tint to it, the air is fresh, the open spaces… I’ve missed it all. But I almost miss the city. Almost.

 It’s been a week since I leftLondon. A week since I’ve seen any of boys. A week since I’ve seen Zayn. Maggie had come back a couple of days after me. Together, we moved some of my stuff back into my old home. Luckily, my family owned the land, but I can’t use the electricity and I’ll have to pay for the water. I’m going to have to find a job soon.

 Oh, and today is my birthday. Happy Birthday to me. Dylan and Maggie are trying to make me go to some club up in the city. I didn’t want to go. Clubs aren’t exactly my favorite place now. So instead, I retreated to the woods.

 I run through a giant mud puddle and bunch of wet dirt covers my body. I couldn’t help but smile. Who needs to pay for a mud bath when we have it our back yard? I can’t even express how much I’ve missed being able to act like a complete redneck for the past few weeks.

 I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out to see that it’s Maggie calling. I sigh and answer the call.


 “Get back to the house. It’s you’re 18th birthday and I am not going to let you waste it in the forest.”


 “Now, Avery!”

 I hung up. I guess she was right. I should probably do something for my birthday. I turn the ATV around and head back to my house.


When I got back to the house, Maggie immediately ordered me to take a shower. She said that she was going to take me out even if she had to drag me by my hair. Lovely friend, isn’t she?

 I turned on the shower so it was only luke warm. I hate taking hot showers in the Summer. I feel like it just makes me sweat even more and that’s just nasty. I lathered my hair with the sweet smelling shampoo and rinsed it out. I did the same thing with the conditioner… why am I explaining this to you? Y’all know how to take a shower!

 Anywho, I stepped out of the shower and wiped off the foggy mirror. The girl who looked back at me had bags under her eyes and looked like she hadn’t slept in days. Her skin was milky white, despite it being the middle of July. All around, she… I looked lifeless.

 I quickly adverted my eyes from my own reflection and dried my hair without looking in the mirror. I gave up to drying it after 10 minutes; it was so thick that it took forever to blow dry. I wrapped the towel tighter around my body and stepped into my bedroom.

 Lying on my bed was a short dress. I assumed that was what Maggie wanted me to wear, but I looked around for something else. Sadly, I didn’t bring any of my clothes home fromLondonand I have had to wear Maggie’s and Dylan’s clothes. I open the closet and see that she has taken everything out except for a thong. Great.

 I slip on the dress and reluctantly look in the full length mirror. The dress, I have to admit, was beautiful. It had elegant black lace that rested on my upper torso and the rest of dress was like a black body con. It was quite short, but I didn’t mind too much.

 I turn away and walk out into the living room where Maggie was lounging on my couch on her phone. She looked up when she heard me.

 “Oh my god!” she exclaims. “You look… hot!”

 “Uh, thanks.” I reply.

 “Alright, well we better be headed out.” She says. As she stands up, I notice that she is also in a dress. Hers is a light blue with little prints of flowers covering it. It had spaghetti straps and the skit puffed out a little bit.

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