Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I was flat out drunk. Note to self: more than 3 shots get you very drunk.

I stumble away from the bar to the booth that all of the boys were sitting at. I slide in next to Zayn and try to grab the beer that was sitting in front of him.

“Oh no you don’t” Zayn exclaims as he pushes the beer further away from me. I still try to reach for it, but I end up falling into his lap.

“Woopsies” I giggle.

“I think I’m going to go dance.” Liam says.

“I’ll come with you!” I felt the need to dance. “Come on Zaynie!” I try to pull him out of the booth.

“I’m gunna finish this pint and then I’ll come find ya.”

“Whatever.” I grab Liam’s wrist and we make our way to the dance floor.

We dance together for a couple of songs. We keep doing ridiculously weird dance moves, each on worse than the last. The sprinkler, the running man, pat the dog and screw in the light bulb… you name it, we did it. I just kept laughing at our lame attempts at dancing.

“Liam, I thought you were supposed to be good at dancing!” I challenge him.

“I am! You want me to prove it?”

I nod. He waits for the chorus of whatever song was playing. Once it began, he started to move his feet. It looked like he was just gliding across the floor. He didn’t seem to be putting any effort into what he was doing. He glides back over and stops in front of me.

“See, I can dance.” He brags.

“I wish I could dance like that!”

“Well, I quite liked your dancing from earlier.” He steps forward and places his hands on my hips. If I were sober, I probably would have protest, but me being stupidly drunk, just giggled.

“I wouldn’t mind if you danced like that for me right now, ya know. It would only be fair; I mean I did just dance for you.” He steps a couple inches closer.

“And why would you want me to do that?”

He closes the space between us completely so there’s only a sliver of room between our faces. “Because, just between you and me, I think you’re really sexy.” He smirks. Suddenly, the space between our faces was closed and Liam’s lips met mine.

Even while drunk, I knew it was wrong, but I just couldn’t think why. Until I was ripped away from him.  

I end up falling on my butt. I look up just in time to see Zayn’s fist connect the Liam’s jaw. I let out a little squeal and jump up to pull him away. As soon as my hand lands of Zayn’s arm he whips around to face me and shakes my hand off. Anger flashes in his eyes and I fell a little bit of fear build up inside me.

“What the fuck, Avery! I leave you alone for 10 minutes with my best friend and then I find you snogging him on the dance floor!”

“No, Zayn, it’s not like that… I… I don’t like him… he just… and…”

“You were being stupid, that’s what happened!” He snapped.

The fear that had been filling up is suddenly replaced with anger. “I am not stupid.”

“Oh, yes you are! You’re so ignorant about what’s going on around you! That’s how it was so easy to get Maggie over here! It’s no wonder you killed your brother-”

“Excuse me?” I felt instantly sober. It literally felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest.

“Wait, shit, that’s not what I mean…” Zayn tried to defend himself.

“No, you know what? Fuck you, Zayn Malik! Have a nice life WITHOUT ME!”

I turned around and stomped out of the doors to the club. Once I was outside, I ran. I ignored the calls coming from behind me. I had to no idea where I was or where I was going. I’m glad I didn’t wear heals tonight.

I don’t know how long I ran for, but eventually I turned into an ally way and leaned against the brick wall. Tear finally soaked my face as I let what just happened really set in.

He actually thought I killed my brother. He was just like my mother. That night I had sobbed in his arms… he probably only held me to make me shut up. He didn’t care what had happened… I put my head in my hands cried harder. I have never cried so much in a few weeks.

I heard someone dragging they’re feet into the ally and stop in front of me.

“What’s a young thing like you doing in a dirty ally way at this time of night?” A male voice slurred. I could smell the alcohol on his breath from here.

“Leave me the fuck along.” I say into my hands.

The man grabs my left wrist and tares my hand away from my face. “You will not talk to me like that, girly! Now you’re going to pay for that.”

So I punched him in the eye. He let go of my wrist and brought his own hand up to his eye.

“What the hell-” And then I kicked him in the area where no guy wants to be kick. He immediately dropped onto his knees. I tried to grab at my leg, but I kicked him again in the gut. I just kept kicking him and kicking him. I could have run away by now. I just couldn’t help but take my frustration out on this man.

I brought my arm back to punch him again when someone wrapped they’re arms around my own to stop me.

“Avery,” The familiar deep voice said in my ear. “It’s okay. He’s not even conscious anymore.”

I turned around in his arms and cried into Harry’s chest.

The last thing I remember saying is “I didn’t kill him Harry, I didn’t!” until everything went black.



I decided we needed some drama in the story :) haha i've been thinking about this for like ever!!!

Oh a very happy brithday to my sister!!! Avery is based off from my sister :)

Story time: So theres this new kid in our school and i think he is just so hot and cute and ahhhh! but he got a girlfriend already :( anyways he was wearing these nerd glasses and hes like "How do i look?" and im just like "You're looking hot" and i didnt notice his girlfriend right behind him... so she storms off. Before he went after he hes like "thanks for telling me i look hot" and winked.

Anyways, you know what would be great? some comments :)

~Love, Kate

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