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She heard a woman's voice, carrying a unique accent, from the ground below and closed her eyes to calm her nerves.

She didn't bother rising and kept her eyes on the fire acting aloof as the Chiefess and Chief appeared at the top of the staircase in her peripheral vision.

"Welcome," Pa announced. "Chief Oya, Chief Baku, meet Hitoshi of Heilan, Esmeralda of Angelas, Kaleo of Koa, Ember of Normada, and Alethea Atlas, former Sera."

Alethea glanced the couple over; they were both tall, strapped with muscle, and dressed in sleek athletic clothing adorned with traces of animal prints. There were a pair of dogs at their sides: giant black beasts with sleek faces and backs that sloped downward slightly towards their haunches. The dogs sat by the stairs and assessed the company with glinting black eyes.

Chief Oya's eyes were glued on Alethea. She stretched out a hand, expecting it to be shaken.

"Don't worry, child. Obia and Sonni only bite on my command," she said, nodding to the dogs.

Alethea stood and met her gaze as she reached over the fire to shake her hand. She composed her expression, but she could not conceal the throttling pulse in her throat as Oya shook her hand so firmly, it nearly hurt.

Oya was taller and more muscular than she, which took her by surprise, and she had skin the color of redwood trees and long plentiful dreads that cascaded around her proud diamond-shaped face. But it was her eyes that stamped in her memory- they were as black as night and seemed to read her mind.

Oya reached for her necklace and studied the Puma pendant.

"Interesting," she whispered, then stepped back and assessed the rest of the company with a brilliant smile on her face.

"Look at this beautiful collection of people," she said in a dialect that strung words together with such elegance, it suddenly seemed the more efficient way to speak. "There's a member of every tribe here, even Heilan and Sera."

Alethea shot her a curious glance as she sat back down between Ezi and Oshi. Had she just referred to Sera Society as a tribe? She'd never encountered such a thought. She studied Baku; the great Chief had already taken his seat and received a tin of wine from Pa who was chatting him up. Baku looked like the poster model for the propaganda against the Acahtta people; he was monstrously tall and strapped with muscle. But he carried no weapons, only a glowing smile, and strangely pale eyes. His dogs eagerly took to his side and set their heads on his knees seeking his attention.

Thea cocked her head, studying his manner; he was listening to Pa crack a joke but didn't look directly at him. She sucked in air and quit staring as she realized he was blind.

Oya laughed.

"What, my love? Did someone catch on that I'm blind?"

"Yeah, our former-Sera friend."

Baku grinned and turned his head as if trying to audio-locate Alethea.

"Well, speak up, Atlas!"

Alethea rose and hurried around.

"Chief," she said, "your hand."

He clasped her hand and shook eagerly.

"Ahh, you passed the intelligence test, Master Atlas. You didn't just hold out your hand and expect me to see it."

Alethea chuckled; honestly, she was nervous enough to have done something so silly. She returned to her seat, stomping a bit to make her footsteps heard, which only prompted Baku to laugh louder.

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