How is Minerva's name pronounced?

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Okay, I now know how to say the names of Severus and Remus correctly now, but Minerva-not for sure. I think her name is said like My-ner-va or Min-er-va, but if I'm incorrect, please let me know! Many names from fantasy books I have said wrong for a long time and then found out the right way to say it, such as in Guardians of Ga'hoole. The name of a character called Ezylryb I used to say like Eh-zai-il-raib before I realised it was Eh-zil-rib, and even Ga'Hoole which I used to say like Ga-hoo-lay when I watched the movie but hadn't read the books! I had the annoying Hufflepuff stereotype of being dim-witted when I not only said Snape's first name like Sir-veer-us, but thought there was an extra in his name! As for Lupin's first name, my pronounication wasn't quite so terrible- I said his name like Rem-us when it's actually supposed to be Ree-mus. Pretty close though. Sorry if this chapter is a bit boring, I'll make the next one better.

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