Chapter 8 - Whitney

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Ruby was quick to meet up with her friends - my old friends - as I walked into school. My mind was elsewhere, my eyes vigilant when I was suddenly stopped by a face that I recognized as one of the blond girls in my Psychology class. One that was trying extremely hard to get her hooks into Jake at every chance she could.

"Hey Haven" She chirped with bright blue eyes, her blond locks falling around her almond skin face, flawless and set heavily in make-up.

"Hey Catherine" I spoke towards her as she stood a whole head taller than me. She sported long red heels that I assumed she'd get in trouble for later.

"So, I noticed you sit next to Jake in Psych class every day and I was just wondering if we could switch spots. You see, he's completely desirable, and me being the head of school council and cheerleading, it's just natural for someone like me to end up with someone like him. It's always good for me to take up an opportunity to get my name out there, and at the moment Jake's a hot topic" She rambled as I raised an eyebrow, following her words carefully

"Uh, I don't know if Mr Warner will allow it, he's pretty grouchy when it comes to switching in the middle of the year" I lied.

"I'm sure I could convince him, and when I do, we will be switching, even if you think you have a slight chance with Jake. I'm almost positive he finds the desperation in your eyes pathetic. And hey, now that Jake is here, you don't have to worry about me taking Kai from you, consider him all yours" She suddenly turned cold, her eyes vicious as her tongue snarled at me like a poisonous snake

I narrowed my eyes on her "Was that supposed to be some kind of threat?"

"It wasn't, but let's not let it get far enough for me to have to start threatening, shall we?" She warned with a fake perfect smile before she turned on her heel and strutted away with her mini skirt swinging sideways.

I scoffed in her direction and shook my head. I wasn't scared of her, her threats were always empty, but I wasn't sure just how far she'd go when it came to seducing Jake. Girls had killed for a lot less in this day and age, and I was beyond a point of being shocked.

"What was that about?" A rough voice spoke from beside me causing me to jump from my thoughts. Jake stood beside me watching Catherine strut away up the school stairs with her head held high. She looked mighty proud of herself, even from behind.

"My first threat of the year" I mumbled as I began to walk to first class.

"Threat?" He repeated, easily keeping up with me as his Pine scent soaked the air around me.

"You'll be happy to know Catherine is highly fond of you and if she gets her way, she'll have her paws all over you in Psych class when she convinces Warner for us to switch seats" I told him as first bell rang for class.

"You can't be serious?"

"It isn't a lie, for once, unlike you" I shot trying to lose him in the crowds of kids rushing to class.

"What does that mean?" He continued still managing to keep up with me.

"It means I don't trust many people nowdays, and that includes you, and your little friend" I spat as the crowds dispersed in all directions.

"What are you talking about?" He stopped in his tracks pulling me to a halt with his hand on my arm.

I looked at his hand gripping my skin, then up at his face with my jaw set sideways, irritated
"I'm talking about Hudson"

"Hudson?" He almost shouted with wide eyes "Have you spoken to him again?" He demanded as a few lagging faces stopped to watch, uninterested in being late to class suddenly.

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