Chapter 36 - Death

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A simple slip of concentration had cost me more than I could have imagined. I had never assumed to be taken down by the one person I was so determined to protect, yet as the arrow struck me, I knew it hadn't be intentional. I could feel the poison begin to spread throughout my system; my limbs were growing painful with each move I tried to make as I watched Hudson near Haven with hungry eyes. My sight was failing and I tried desperately to watch as Haven struggled to get back onto her feet, stumbling with her bow and arrow as she shook with fear. I was panicking, something I rarely did, ever, but with Haven so close to death itself, I knew I needed to do something.

I pushed past the pain and shifted quickly back into my normal form as I struggled to my feet only falling straight back down to my knees as the pain began to shoot through my torso and stomach. I groaned and searched the field for someone free enough to defend Haven, but it was chaos, the numbers dropping dramatically but only due to the heavy battle around me. I attempted to push back up to my feet again, but it was futile, I was paralysed, my legs becoming numb. For once I didn't know what to do, I was weak, useless. My eyes were beginning to fall black, defeated as my body fell backwards, my bare back feeling the slime of blood and dirt surround my skin. The noises around me were fading and the rain fell on my face, almost soothing as I prepared to meet my maker. I closed my eyes, not knowing what else was possible to be done and that's when I vanished, pulled from my own body as a bright white light welcomed me.

I stood motionless as I mused on what to do, did I walk into the light? Did I wait for it to pull me further in? I wasn't sure, so I waited.

Slowly as I stared ahead, a figure began to walk towards me. I narrowed my eyes eager as to who it would be. Was Haven here? Was it my mother or father? Or was it someone different altogether?

"I have much to say to you" A voice spoke soft and calming as I took attention to the nearing woman. It wasn't a voice I recognized, but something about her was familiar to me.

"Who are you?" I asked, alert as I watched her features come into view.

"You should be most afraid of me" The woman spoke, a smile on her face as I took notice of her long brown wavy hair and ocean blue eyes, the colour familiar and striking. She was tall, thin, and attractive for her age as the beginnings of silver hair was noticeable at her roots.

"Where am I?" I demanded as the woman stopped about two meters from me, her hands clasped together in front of herself as she tilted her head at me with a small smile.

"You're in the in-between" She told me as my eyebrows crossed, confused "You're in between life and death" She continued as she noticed my uncertainty.

"And who are you?" I asked, intent on answers

"I'm Mia, Mia Waters" She spoke as she continued to smile at me

I narrowed my eyes again, unsure as she seemed to wait for me to recognize her title. Seconds later, it hit me.

"Why are you here?" I enquired curiously.

"I needed to talk with you before I decided on what to do with you" She spoke casually as she took another step towards me

"I don't understand" I told her growing frustrated

"My husband isn't all human, my daughter isn't all human, and neither am I..." She began as she watched me delicately

"When I died I was given an opportunity, an opportunity I willingly took. Now, like my family, I am not human, I am in the classic sense of the word... an angel" She explained as I listened carefully

"An angel?" I repeated, doubtfully. I was a Wolf, Tara was a Witch, Haven was a Curatio and that was it. Angels? I had never heard of before, until now.

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