Chapter 10 - Injured

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"This being..." I pushed with a raised eyebrow and sneer.

"Don't pretend you don't know what's going on here" He laughed again as he crossed his arms over his chest, mimicking me.

His confidence almost made me want to kick him in the throat

"Let's pretend I don't know, now explain" I urged with narrow eyes.

"Well" He began as he leaned towards me "This, two and fro, it seems to happen a lot" He raised an eyebrow as his sweet pine scent rushed towards me.

I froze, unsure of how to react.

"Come to dinner with me" He smiled again as his breath brushed towards me.

"No" I managed to scrape the courage to reply.

"What if I said please?" He tried again with a small smile.

"No" I stood my ground.

"Guess Jake was right" He shrugged as he leaned back, allowing me to breath properly again.

"What do you mean Jake was right?" I was suddenly curious.

"He said you wouldn't fall for someone like me, said he knows you through and through enough to know you wouldn't fall for my desperate charm" He shrugged again as he averted his eyes bored.

I narrowed my eyes and shook my head. Jake thought he knew me, thought he knew every move I'd make, well, I was going to show him he had another thing coming if he thought he had power over decisions for me.

"Jake was wrong, tomorrow night, what time and where?" I asked as Hudson's smile brightened proudly.


I was starting to worry as I sat in my dad's car twiddling my thumbs the next morning. My foot was more swollen than the day before and I couldn't fathom the thought of facing Jake and Kai. Numerous times I was tempted to call in sick, but it was becoming too much of a habit and I was falling behind on my school work because of the fear of facing my troubles. I watched as students dawdled towards the large building where teachers waited to hurry them up. I wasn't sure what I was going to do, people were sure to stare, ask questions, and make assumptions. Would the teachers call my dad to find out why I was crippled? The questions were endless, and I couldn't let my brain overtake my better judgement. I pushed the car door open and stepped out into the cold air menacingly greeting me.

I began walking towards the building, as slow as I could so the teachers and other students were in front of me enough to not notice my hobbling body lagging behind.

It was difficult walking up the stairs as the bell rang and I winced in pain at each step I took forward. I tried to walk as normal as I could applying pressure with each step, but it was forcing tears from my eyes and I almost wanted to collapse on the cement and curl into a protective ball.

"What are you doing here Haven?" An unwanted familiar voice spoke from behind me as I began to take pride in avoiding all sight through the building.

"Go away" I rolled my eyes, not turning to face the now striding Jake beside me.

"You can't be here like this" He continued anyway.

"What part of go away don't you understand Jake?" I spat as I stopped suddenly and turned towards him.

"You're going to make it worse than it already is" He sighed as he ignored my question.

"I... don't... care" I said slowly emphasizing each word. I did care, more than he knew, pain beckoned me to.

"I do" His eyes softened.

I sighed and looked down at my foot. I'd barely been able to fit my shoe on this morning and with each movement, I wanted to cry. I was pushing my boundaries. Maybe he was right, for once, as much as I didn't want to admit it.

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