late nights in the middle of june

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desc: the last day of school/night after with the pouges! (and jj of course)

as I'm sitting in math class with pope and sarah, our teacher is giving us a lecture about being safe over the summer. "whatever you do, don't drink and drive, don't add to the population, and don't get arrested. have a great summer everyone!" i glance at pope and then at sarah. we all know that we will have broken most of his rules by the end of the summer. just then, the final bell rang. we run out the door to meet up with john b and jj. we all walk to the door to find kie and leave school for the next 3 months.

we all hop into the twinkie and kie gets in the drivers seat. we speed away to john b's house, the unofficial summer hangout spot. when we get there, i run into jjs room, well, technically its the spare room, but jj spends most nights in there and so do i, and everyone pretty much knows its off limits. i open the drawer i have in there and grab a light purple bikini as i quickly change. i throw on some denim shorts and take off my silver necklace with a dainty J on it that jj got me for our 8 month anniversary. 

as i walk out of the room, i see everyone else packing drinks and food into coolers for the boat. since its the last day of school, heyward let us borrow his bigger boat that he normally uses for food deliveries. I'm the first to board the boat and i bring two towels and some sunscreen. i go and sit in the seat next to the drivers seat, where jj normally sits. i see kie and sarah walking out to the boat and i help them board as we put all the food into the giant coolers on the boat. 

we sit and wait for the guys to join us when kie asks "so y/n, have you and jj ever, you know, done it?" "oh my goodness kie!" i laugh. "yeah of course we have" i reply. sarah and kie both ooh and i blush. "what about you and jb, sarah?" "ugh no!" she complains. "any time we even get close to doing it something comes up and the mood is totally ruined." "poor you" says kie. i not in agreement. before we can go any deeper with our conversation, we are joined by jj and the boys. 

"helloooo ladies" says john b. i give him a playful shove and jj walks up to me and kisses me on the cheek and starts the boat. he sits in the drivers seat next to me and puts his hand on my thigh as we drive all the way through the marsh and stop at the deepest point. i lay out my towel and take off my shorts as i lay down on my stomach to tan. jj comes and lays down next to me and we talk while pope and kie decide to jump in the water. 

jj takes a strand of my hair in his fingers and twirls it around while i watch him. "you know what?" jj says. "what?" i respond. i scream as jj picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "put me down jj!" i squeal. i pound on his back and before i know it, he jumps into the marsh with me. as i come up for air, i gasp and push my hair behind my ears. "you are so dead!" i scream at jj. i swim up to him and splash him in the face.

"oh it is so on" he says as he splashes me back. soon we all break out into a huge splash fight.

around an hour later the sun has started to set and everyone is back on the boat. "is everyone ready to go home?" asks pope. "yes sir" says kie. on the way back, i take jj's red hat and put it on my head. jj smiles and says "you probably pull it off better than me" i blush and lean on his shoulder  as he puts his arm around me. i already knew there was gonna be a huge beach party tonight filled with pouges, kooks, and tourists to celebrate the end of the school year and the start of summer, and I'm really exited to go with my friends and my boyfriend.

when we get back to the chateau, john b carries a sleeping sarah out to his car and whispers "I'm gonna drop her off at her house, be back in a few" we all nod and wave goodbye. pope helps kie off the boat and then me. jj follows close behind and waves goodbye to pope. "ill see you guys at the kegger" says pope, before driving off back to his pops house. kie walks to her army green jeep and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "bye girl, ill see you tonight!" "see ya!" 

after i watch her drive off, jj comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. "hi" i say softly. "hi there pretty girl" he says back. we stand there for a few seconds and i turn to face him. "i love you so much jj" i say. "i bet i love you more" this boy will be the death of me i swear. "we can play the 'i love you more' game later, we need to go inside and get ready" 

me and jj go inside and i hop in the shower. i hear the bathroom door open and i sigh. i really am not in the mood right now, i just need to get ready. sure enough, jj opens the shower curtain and hops in with me. "jay" "mhm?" he replies. he is standing behind me so i turn around to face him. "we are not having sex in your best friends shower. if you wanna stay in here with me that's fine but i need to get ready" he lets out a sigh and says "fine with me" as he wraps his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder. 

"will you pass me the conditioner please babe?" i ask. he grabs the conditioner and hands it to me. "thank you, good sir." i finish washing my hair and i step out of the shower and wrap up in a towel. jj follows close behind and put a towel on too. i turn to face him and he is smiling down at me. i still can't get over the height difference between me and him. i put my arms around his torso and give him a long hug before pulling away and turning to face the mirror. he leaves the room so i can finish getting ready for the party.

i grab my eyelash curler and curl my eyelashes and then apply mascara. after that, i go to jj's room and put on some new shorts and a red tank top, jj's favorite. i walk out into the kitchen to see john b and jj waiting for me. "finally, the queen has arrived" said jj jokingly. i sigh. "are y'all ready to head out?" i ask. "yes ma'am" says john b. we all get in my car and i start driving us to the beach.

when we get there, i park the car and before i can hop out of the car, jj opens the door for me.  "what a gentleman!" i say smiling. we walk down hand in hand and we are greeted by everyone gathered around a bonfire. music is playing in the background and the night is warm. jj leaves to go get drinks and i sit with sarah and john b. i guess they didn't know i was there because they started making out right in front of me. ew! i quietly get up and go to sit on a log farther away.

i watch jj pour the drinks and walk over to me. i take the drink from his hand as the music starts to pick up and people start dancing. "wanna go dance?" he asks me. "is that even a question?" i say. he takes my hand and we walk over to everyone. Feel So Close by Calvin Harris is playing and everyone is singing and dancing. jj takes my hand and spins me around in circles as i smile. 

**time skip**

as the party starts dying down, i go over and sit by john b. "hey buddy!" i say. "heyy my queen" he says. "have you seen jj?" i ask. "he's probably smoking or something stupid." john b suggests. "I'm gonna go find him and go home, see ya!" i say. its not like i want to leave, i just want to have some time alone with jj before everyone gets back. i spot him over by the ocean smoking, just like john b said. i walk up to him and sit next to him. "hey stranger" i say. he turns to face me. "hello gorgeous" "ready to head home?" i ask. "yeah sure, I'm sick of the party anyways" he says. i take his hand and lead him up to the car. "can you drive? he asks. "I've been drinking thats why" "of course i can" i say. 

once we are home, i sigh and take off my shoes. its around midnight and i am so ready to settle in for the night. i go change into some sweatpants and one of jj's t-shirts. i walk out to the couch and cuddle up next to jj, who is wearing boxers and nothing else. i lay on top of him on the couch and look into his blue eyes. "you are so pretty" i say. "huh?" jj replies. "you're pretty" i say back. he smiles and leans in to kiss me. i lay down on his chest  and play with his blonde hair while we talk. 

after a few minuets, i notice he's starting to fall asleep. "why don't we go to bed love?" i ask. he nods his head and we both walk to his room. i get under the covers and he lays down with me. i put my arm around him and he holds on to my waist as he lays on top of me. i rub his back and we both fall asleep, exited to spend all summer together.

a/n: this was super rushed so sorry if its not very good, hope y'all like it!!

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