always been you

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desc: its a surprise 

me and my total dick of a boyfriend rafe just got into another bad fight. its 11 at night and im walking barefoot wearing nothing but nike pros and a hoodie, carrying a bag full of my stuff. this is the last time i ever put up with rafes bullshit. i just need to get some space and clear my head, so i packed a bag and left for jj's house. he's my best friend so i feel like he would understand and let me stay with him for a little bit. plus, his dad is out of town for the next 2 weeks which should be plenty of time for me to figure everything out. 

i finally get to his house and i take out my spare key that he gave me a while ago incase of an emergency. i unlock the dark blue door and step inside. all the lights are off so i assume jj is asleep.  i lock the door behind me and double check lukes room to make sure he didn't show up unexpected. once the coast is clear, i lightly knock on jj's bedroom door to make sure he's not naked or anything. when i don't get a reply i just open the door and walk in. i see him sprawled out on top of his bed fast asleep, and snoring. i sigh of relief and gently shake him awake. "huh?" he says, confused. he jumps and sits up when he sees me standing beside his bed. "jesus christ y/n you scared the shit out of me, i thought you were my dad" i giggle and reply "nope, me and rafe got into another bad fight, can i stay here for a little bit?" i ask. without any hesitation he scoots over on his bed and says "the more the merrier" i smile and lay down next to him taking in his scent. i fall fast asleep in his arms before we can even have a conversation.

the next morning, i wake up and jj is nowhere to be found. i check the time on my phone and it reads 10:34. he's probably out getting food. i get situated and decide it might be fun to go on a walk to find jj. i go outside to see that its pouring rain. great. i guess ill just have to wait till he gets back. until then, i decide ill do some cleaning up. i start with the kitchen. i put all the spoiled food in the trash and wipe all the counters. next i clean the living room. i take all the pill bottles and put them in a medicine cabinet. then i vacuum the carpet and throw away the empty beer cans. after that, i decide to clean jj's room. after im mostly done, i reach under his bed and find a little diary. i had no idea jj even knew how to write. i decided there was no harm in reading it, seeing as its probably full or grocery lists and stuff like that. i open it and read the first entry;

dear diary,

i think im in love with a girl. her hair, her smile, her laugh. everything about her drives me wild. she smells like flowers and i love the clothes she wears. all shes ever done is make me happy. she makes me forget all about my dad and all my problems. when im with her i feel free again

damn. reading that made my heart stop. i never admitted it to it, but i had always felt something for jj that i will never be able to explain. and reading the way he talks about this girl makes me feel so jealous. i mean i guess i did have a boyfriend so what was he supposed to do? still, i quickly close the diary and put it back where it was. i leave his room and sit on the front porch to watch the storm. as im watching, i hear the familiar hum of jj's dirt bike. i stand up on the porch as i see him blazing down the dirt road. i wait on the porch for him with a towel and as he walks up he takes it and nods a thank you.

"where did you go?" i asked. "oh, just to get some sour patch kids, i know they're your favorites and i thought they might make you feel better" i can't help but blush and smile "aww thank you j, i love them" i say. i take the bag from his hands and we walk inside. "you cleaned!" he says. "yes i did! do you like it?" "i love it thank you so much, you know i was going to do it myself but i just kinda forgot" he says. "well now you don't have to worry about it" i say. he smiles and we kind of look at each others eyes for a little bit before he looks away. it sucks to know that ill always be just a friend to him.

"so i was thinking" i say. "maybe after high school i might move off-island, maybe even out of state. get a fresh start, you know?" jj just stares at me. "what? you can't move" "why is that?" i say "well because you won't have anything and you'll be all alone" "i can live with that, im sick of living on this island" i reply. "no. you aren't leaving" he says. "jj i need to get out of here im not happy here" i say. "no, no, no" jj says. i almost feel bad but then i remember i need to learn to stand my ground. that's what jj always told me, so i kept pushing. "i can't be on the same island as rafe you know its only gonna cause more problems, i talked to my mom and she said i could go live with my aunt in a few weeks" "a few WEEKS!?" jj replies. "y/n are you kidding me right now?" he says, in an agitated tone. "no im not, im sorry i just can't be near him anymore i can't take it" just then, i get a text from my mom

aunt emmerson is here to take you to her house, bring your stuff

i show jj the text and mutter a quick "i have to go" with tears in my eyes. i grab my stuff and walk out the door, forgetting its pouring rain. jj follows right behind me. "Y/N WAIT" he yells. i turn to face him in the rain and look at him. we are both dripping wet. "what is it, jj" i ask. "i don't want you to go" he says, almost in tears. "why do you care so much?" i ask. "because, because i love you!" he yells. my heart skips a beat and i say "what?" he replies, "i love you y/n. since day one, its always been you" 

we take a few slow steps toward each other before i break out into a run, dropping my things on the ground. when i meet him. i jump into his arms and kiss him without even thinking twice. he does the same thing and our lips move in sync in the cold rain. i pull away and say, "after all this time?" "always" he says.

a/n: omg y'all i randomly thought of this and i ran to my laptop to type it. also the harry potter reference at the end omg. i hope u like it!

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