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As the day went on you didnt talk to Toji much, it was as if you were subconsciously avoiding him. You spent lots of time walking around with Yuji looking at the farmers market and then made your way back to the penthouse and into your room.

As night time came around you went to sleep and was awoken by another nightmare, this time worse than that last. Your chest felt like it was closing as you gasped for air. You trembled as you looked at yourself in the mirror "your a fucking mess y/n" you sighed walking out of the room and into the kitchen for another glass of water.

This time you left a glass on the counter so you would be able to reach it without anyone's help. You filled your glass then slid down against the refrigerator sitting with your knees to your chest as you drank your water. The room was dark and only lit by the dim lights that were under all the cabinets for walking purposes. You sat alone in the dark as you looked out the window from your spot in front of the refrigerator.

You could see the whole city being lit up by the tall buildings. Your breath began to steady as a warm tear fell down your face. Your head laid against the cold refrigerator while your mind wandered. Eventually you drifted off to sleep in the kitchen.



"y/n?'' Toji bent down to your level "she's asleep?" he muttered to himself "what a strange girl" he laughed, scoping you up in his arms. He carried you down the hallway when you gasped awake panting heavily. You looked to both sides then up at Toji realising that you were in his arms.

You looked up at him with doe eyes that glistened in the moonlight. "Are you okay? '' he whispered, looking down at you. You nodded your head as you looked up at him. "Why were you asleep in the kitchen y/n" Toji questioned, still holding you in his arms "I was thirsty then fell asleep" you whispered, turning to look the other way out of embarrassment. "You were thirsty again?" he asked with a knowing expression on his face.

"Yeah" you sighed "you can put me down now" you continued to whisper. Toji looked at you as if he seemed concerned "no" he said as he threw you over his shoulder "hey put me down" you fought struggling to get out of his arms.

He took you into his room that was almost two times larger than yours. The wall behind the king sized bed was stone with a long glass fireplace carved through the whole wall. The room was dark like yours and had the same dark red lights. There was a wall of pure glass that showed the whole city. Toji dropped you on his bed "hey why did you just drop me" you scolded as you sat up on the bed as he scoffed, taking off his shirt to lay next to you.

"I can't sleep here" you said getting off of the bed walking to the door. Before you got to step away from the bed Toji grabbed your waist and pulled you back on the bed. "So that's what you want" you smirked as you crawled onto the bed and straddled him lightly grinding on his shaft. "And here I thought you were trying to be a gentleman" you smirked, flipping your hair over to one side and leaning in towards his neck. " I am" he growled, flipping you over so he was now positioned above you "but when you provoke me like that you make it hard to want to hold back" he whispered in your ear.

"You're going to stay here the night and if anyone finds out, then they will know who you belong too" He purred into your neck. You felt a hollow pit form in your stomach and little butterflies began to fly around. Your eyes met his as you gently nodded approving of his demand.

You laid on the bed wide awake with your back facing him. A man that you had just met two days ago had just called you his, granted he probably didn't mean it. You knew that everything was only going to last a week then you would both move on with your life. You hadn't felt anything for this man, no feelings none at all at least that's what you told yourself. You felt a sturdy arm wrap around your waist then suddenly you were pulled close to him.

Your back met his chest as he held you close to him breathing into your neck. "You can fall asleep, I'm here I won't let anyone hurt you" He mumbled as your eyes widened. "How-how did you know" you whispered, questioning the man about how he knew about your nightmares. "You are easy to read" he muttered "now go to sleep" He groaned as you snuggled in closer in his arms. What was this man doing.....

A Dream -  Toji Fushiguro -Where stories live. Discover now