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"Who was that?" the boy asked as you walked up to him. "To be honest I couldn't even tell you at this point" you sighed as you fumbled with your bag. When you finally  looked up at the boy you were taken aback by his appearance. He looked different then before, very different. Since in the cafe he was wearing a cap you couldn't see his undercut and wavy black hair. He had vibrant yellow eyes that seemed to glow under the moon light and bounced off of his all black clothing that were very different then his work uniform which was a green apron and a button up. Who was this man, you thought.

Your eyes widened as you looked at him, was this even the same person. "Uhh Hiroto right?" you nervously chuckled "yeah, and whats your name?" he laughed "oh uh its y/n" you smiled while fixing your hair. "So do you ugh have any plans for tonight" he nervously said when you realized you just told him what time to meet you without giving him any further elaboration. "I mean it's okay if you don't, I have a couple ideas in mind" he reassured, easing your stress "oh I mean we could do whatever you want" you said clutching your bag. "okay i'll drive then" he concluded. You came to this date with very low expectations only to be thrown off guard with the person who was in front of you.

*Hiroto for visualization *ps he's a little shorter and doesn't look as mature lol this is just a jist of the character concept and aesthetic :) ALSO NOT MY ART WORK UNFORTUNATELY I COULD NOT FIND THE ARTIST :/

*Hiroto for visualization *ps he's a little shorter and doesn't look as mature lol this is just a jist of the character concept and aesthetic :) ALSO NOT MY ART WORK UNFORTUNATELY I COULD NOT FIND THE ARTIST  :/

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"Okay, we're here" he said, stopping his car in front of a large building with lots of colorful lights. The two of you walked into the building together when you realized what it was. "An arcade, really" you chuckled as you looked up at him. "Yeah of course what else would it be" he laughed "come on"

The arcade was different than any you have ever seen. There were many elaborate machines and claw machines filled with kawaii stuffed animals. "Oh my god" You gasped, running to look at the claw machine with a kawaii teddy bear holding strawberry milk. He followed behind you, watching your eyes light up in awe at the plushie. "Do you want it?" he questioned, his voice almost sounding like Gojo's and Toji's mixed together. You looked up at him with wide puppy dog eyes, "you can really win that?" you said with a burgeoning excitement as you pointed your finger to the glass

"If you want it" he said pulling out his game card and swiping it across the scanner to start the game. You stood to the side of the claw machine and watched him focus to get the bear for you. You hated to admit it but he looked really cute as he focused, squinting his eyes to get a more accurate level and moving from front to the side of the machine to check if it was perfect. The machine stopped then moved down to grab the bear but didn't fully grab it. "Fuck" he muttered under his breath when it didn't grab, making butterflies form in your stomach. "It's okay, it was probably rigged" you reassured him as he turned to look at you "imma win it for you" he eagerly stated "okay" you giggled while you watched him swipe his card again.

The second time he seemed even more focused. You stared at his eyes then slowly trailed your glance down to his fingers that were moving the red round controller. They moved with ease as he tried winning the bear. Your thoughts began trailing off into oblivion as you thought about what other things his hands could do. You were so focused on his slender hands that you didn't even notice when the bear fell into the hole until he moved his hand away from the controller. "What did I tell you?" he winked, handing you the plushie as you grabbed it excitedly. "Oh my - thank you" you cheered, squeezing the bear and looking up at him smiling.

A Dream -  Toji Fushiguro -Where stories live. Discover now