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You sat in the front seat of Toji's car with the boys and Gojo in the back. Yuji was quieter than usual, Megumi was simply usual, and Gojo was going on about how you should have allowed him to go with you to make your trip 'more fun.' You knew he was just trying to break the tension between everyone in the car, but it made you sad that he even had to do that.

You looked at Toji from the corner of your eye as he drove. His eyes were locked on the road and he hasn't said a word since you got in the car.





You stood outside the terminal gates with the four boys behind you. The air around you was dense and cold. It will be another three to four years before you see them again.

"okay I have to get going" you quickly sighed as you looked at the boys.

Yuji was looking at you, he had a huge frown plastered all over his face and it looked like he was holding back tears. Megumi refused to make eye contact with you and instead was staring out into the distance.

 Megumi refused to make eye contact with you and instead was staring out into the distance

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"come here boys" you breathed walking over to the both of them with your arms open. You hugged them tightly as the both held you tightly.

"dont go" Megumi whispered in his ear as he hugged you "I have to" muttered as you let them go.

Leaving the boys was probably going to be the hardest. You met Megumi a couple months after you met Gojo and you met Yuji about a year ago. By the time you next see them, they will already be full adults. Though it was important you hoped that they won't find all of Sukuna's fingers, but you pushed that thought to the back of your head.

"Hey, by the time I next see you boys I expect you to be able to beat me in a fight" you scolded them as they quickly nodded their heads. You noticed that when Megumi was sad, he let down his persona and was just able to be a normal teen who was upset. He reminded you of how you were as a teenager "Oi Megumi, its okay to breathe" you smiled.

You then looked at Gojo, you knew that you would see him occasionally when he went over sea's to do jobs in California. You hugged him tightly knowing that you would still miss him "dont miss me to much m'kay" you winked, remembering what he said to you this morning.

"Thank you Toji, for letting me stay with you" you thanked him as he rolled his eyes. Gojo and Yuji were holding in their laughter while you shot them a quick look.

"here hold this" you handed Toji your bag "you can help me bring my stuff" you demanded.

"okay I actually have to go now" you said rushing to get your things "I'll call when I land" you added as you waved them goodbye.




"I told Yuji not to tell anybody" you informed Toji as the two of you walked through the airport.

"good" Toji stated still not looking at you. You walked in silence as you reached your destination "okay this is my stop" you informed Toji who put your bags down.

"um thanks for helping me with my stuff" you thanked the man as you grabbed your backpack and suitcase.

" careful y/n" he warned as he watched you enter the plane.

"I will be."

A Dream -  Toji Fushiguro -Where stories live. Discover now