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The weather outside was gloomy as grey clouds covered the sky completely. "Yujiiiii!" you groaned from your room.

"yes" Yuji said opening your door "uguhh y/n you look like a mess" he announced. Your nose was a shade of red and your eyes were puffy and irritated. "Go down to the bakery and get me some food" you ordered as you stuffed your face in your pillow.

"No you go get it" he scoffed "but I can't i'm sick.....and i might run into Hiroto" you sniffled, muttering that last part. "Fine, so I take it your not coming with us tonight?" he questioned "what do you think?"

Tonight was the night you and the boys had planned to go on an overnight trip down to Tokyo, but since you were sick you couldn't see it happening anymore.

While Yuji was out getting you food, you tossed and turned in your bed. Your body felt hot and you head was spinning as you stood up.

"y/n what happened to you?" Megumi laughed as you struggled down the hallway. "I'm sick" you said, your voice muggy from your stuffed nose. "aww is my baby sick" Gojo whined as he hugged your from behind "Gojo. I will spit on you." you scolded, causing him to squeeze you tighter "oh please do" he whispered in your ear "ugh get off of me" you groaned, pushing him away from you. You fell onto the couch when Yuji came in with your food and in a rush.

"is everyone ready!?!" he jumped as he dropped the food straight on your lap.

"fuck you Itadori!" you cursed as some of the soup leaked out of the container "O, eh sorry" he weakly smiled.

"okay let's go" Gojo announced to everyone as he clapped his hands together "Toji were leaving!" Gojo yelled across the hallway "is he not going with you guys?" you asked, almost positive that he was supposed to go.

"apparently not" Megumi rolled his eyes as he grabbed his backpack and walked out the front door, leaving you puzzled.

"Sayonara y/n" Yuji said, waving with one hand as he followed Megumi.

"Adios" you waved back to him from the couch "buy me something!" you yelled before they closed the door.

You looked around the empty living room and then to your soup. "Fushiguro!" you yelled "do you want soup!" your voice seemed to echo through the hall "i'm coming" he replied. In a minute he was walking down the hallway and towards you.

"I'll serve myself" he said grabbing the soup from you "germaphobe" he muttered under your breath as you sat at the dining table. You rested you head against the glass top of the expensive table. You felt like you were spinning and your forehead was burning up.

"How did you get sick?" Toji asked as he sat directly across from you "I dunno" you groaned , trying to eat your soup "Why'd you stay?" you asked, curious of his response.

"someone had to make sure you didn't burn the house down" he scoffed as he ate his soup "just admit it, you wanted to spend time with me" you smiled as he looked up at you from the other side of the table and squinted his eyes. "wrong" 


"here give me the plate" Toji said as he reached over the table to grab your bowl. Your eyes followed him, watched him as he took the dishes to the sink. " I'm going to the couch" you groaned as you stood up from your chair. 

Nothing interesting was on the tv, only news and cartoons. "scoot over" you heard a voice say from behind you. You lifted yourself up and let Toji sit before laying back down on his lap. Oddly you were more comfortable then before laying on his lap. He ran his fingers through your hair as you skimmed all the channels. "oh my god, lets watch this- we are watching this" you gasped when you saw your favorite movie on. 

As the movie played Toji looked down at you only to see you fast asleep. Hr cocked his head at you, observing you as you slept, the way your breathing was steady when you were completely at peace, the way the moonlight shinned through the windows and bounced against your sick clammy skin. "come on" he whispered, picking you up and taking you to his room. He rested you on his bed as you curled up into a little ball. He pulled you close to him and rested his head chin on your head as he stared out the window. 

"geez y/n" he chuckled shaking his head before drifting off to sleep. 


Sorry for the mideocre chapter :/ but this is unfortunately going to mostly likely be the last bonus chapter because I am working on three other books that should be published within the end of the month :)))

I won't give who the characters are butttt two of them are from JJK lol.

Anyways I'm going to miss you all so much and I hope that you enjoyed the bonus chapters :))))


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