Taking a Walk

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Oof decided today, he was going to take a walk. Probably a long walk, he'd figure that out later. But hey, it wasn't like there wasn't much else to do while Meme and Blaza were yelling at each other.

Oh, all the war stuff? This was just a normal Tuesday. Except for the fact it's a Sunday.

Well, it was a beautiful day outside anyway. Fresh air would do him good.

Oof shut the door of his house and sighed.

Well, just a normal day.

Oof decided his walk would take him by Meme's base because it was more scenic there than a giant field of wheat, no offence. If he ended up in Blaza's area, well, the ruins of the church might be interesting.

The sun was up as it was noon and it was hot. Which made sense, because the sun was hot and everything about the weather sucked. Oof was incredibly grateful for his sunglasses now, as the sun was bright and the bits of his eyes that weren't covered could see the difference. Oof crossed over into the sandy plains, passing the wedding area (He couldn't help but think back to the moment Socks died...) and passed the ruined village. One day he should clean it up, yeah, that would be interesting! Then he could make a bigger, better village. Or a Memorial for Socks, and the other villagers.

Maybe that's what Oof should make everyone do to get everyone getting along again, actually work together on something instead of tearing each other down and dissing each other.

He started planning it in his mind, an orange statue of a spaceman. With rainbow socks. A sign would be placed under him, maybe saying something like "SocksFor1 2000-2021". Too bad his body blew up at the church. Maybe it could have a hollow inside, and they could all put something of his inside. Or flowers.

Oof wiped the tears off his face. That sounded like a great plan. Socks would like it. That thought comforted him.

"You two, maybe you guys should, I dunno, eat or something!" Oof heard Meme call out.

"Alright, fine! Whatever," Nadwe grumbled. Nadwe ran out of one of the buildings, with Muffin close behind him. Oof and Nadwe looked each other in the eyes for a second, before continuing to ignore the other. Oof's Black eyes meeting Nadwe's red ones.

Wait, didn't Nadwe have blue eyes? It was probably fine, all babies have blue eyes when they're born and grow into a different colour. Nadwe just probably has his third birthday or something coming up.

Muffin seemed to be holding something in his arms, a brown hat. He was clutching it close to his chest, like a treasured gift he never wanted to let go of. He put it on his head before running after Nadwe.


"Oh, hey Oof!" Dino said. Oof turned around.

"Oh hey Dino! How are you today!" Oof asked his friend.

"It's been... Fine. How about you?" Dino asked.

"Ahh well, I've just been going on a walk around the map. You know what I was thinking, maybe we should set up a memorial for Socks where the village used to be. I think he would like that. And we could have flowers and maybe another memorial beside it for the village!" Oof said.

"That sounds like a really good idea! I'm sure Socks wouldn't have approved of it when he was... With us, but now it feels like the perfect thing to remember him by," Dino nodded his head in agreement.

"So, what are you doing out here on such a fine day, instead of, I dunno, eating?"

"I ate before I left. I wanted to take a walk too," Dino explained.

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