Chapter Twelve- Escape

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this chapter is dedicated to SilverSpirals bc they helped me with the very sexual scene that is coming up in this chapter. make sure to check out their work bc it's pretty great. warning, there is sexual material in this book so beware. and yeah, enjoy.

They slowly moved down until his thumb reached my lips, which he lightly brushed, his eyes darkening as they  never once left the plump flesh.

Chapter Twelve- Escape

Logan's POV

Twenty minutes later, we made it to a cheap hotel that overlooked the beach. By choice, I payed for the room, happy that I could help Ryan any way that I could.

I kept thinking of Ryan's dad and how scared Ryan had looked as if his father would beat him right then and there. I remembered the first time I had seen his bruises. It was the first night he had slept over and I had woken up in the middle of the night. He was sleeping peacefully and had somehow pulled off his shirt during his sleep. Trying to be nice, I decided to wash his clothes so they would be clean when he woke the next day. It was then that I noticed the bruises around his collarbone and arms. They didn't look like regular bruises caused by normal everyday problems, they looked like ones caused by someone else and it all made sense suddenly.

I led Ryan to our hotel room, unsure of what we would do until it was time to go back home. I hated the thought of even going back, not wanting to imagine what Ryan would have to deal with if he went back to his father. I was set on making this small vacation one he would never forget but I just wasn't sure as to what I would do to make this night amazing.

The moment the door was opened, I ran towards the bed and flopped down on my back, the fluffiness of the blankets enveloping me. A minute later, I heard the sound of the door slamming before Ryan's body flopped down besides mine. I found myself laughing, surprised to hear him laughing as well. I felt more at ease at that moment.

"Thank you for this, Logan," Ryan said as he leaned his head on his hand while he stared down at me with dreamy eyes.

"It was no problem," I replied, suddenly anxious at how close his face was to mine. I stared into those deep eyes of his, getting lost in the blue waves that flowed within them. Suddenly, he brought his hand to my face, his fingers tracing the small details. They slowly moved down until his thumb reached my lips, which he lightly brushed, his eyes darkening as they  never once left the plump flesh.

He leaned down, his lips grazing mine, causing me to shudder violently from the  sheer anticipation I was feeling. Wanting more, I pulled him down until our lips and chest were crushed together. I lost myself within our kiss, his taste exploding in my mouth, a delicious flavor that drove me insane, and I could tell he felt the same from the low groan that left his lips as the kiss deepened.

My head turned slightly and he responded immediately, attacking my neck with hot kisses as my breath hitched and my body arched against his. There was small friction as the bulge in my pants rubbed against his, earning a hiss from both of us. Ryan grinded our lower halves together again, a low moan escaping my mouth.

As much as I adored our contact, I needed and wanted more. I wanted to feel his bare skin rub against mine and I wanted to taste his sweet skin as it slicked over with sweat. And I wanted to feel the pleasure that would build up within me as he explored my body and pushed it over the edge until I could no longer handle it.

His hands ran underneath my shirt, the hard skin of his palm roaming the softness of my chest until his fingers found my nipple, causing me to gasp.

My body shivered with need, wanting to feel him in me and against me. Within seconds, our shirts were off and Ryan was fumbling to undo my pant zipper. Once they were off, he reached his hand within my boxers, taking my length and pumping it with fast strokes. I moaned incomprehensible words as my hands gripped the sheets beneath me, my hips bucking up towards his hands uncontrollably.

I brought his lips back down upon mine as I tried to silence my messy moans, which only seemed to be getting higher in pitch. Right when I was about to reach my peak, he moved his hand away to undo his own zipper, causing me to whimper from the loss.

There was a sudden wetness at my entrance before a finger was being pushed inside me and my whole body tensed from the sudden intrusion. I cried out as his finger suddenly pulled out and thrust back in with two fingers, causing my body to spasm lightly, my mouth open in a silent moan. He continued to tease me until I could no longer handle it. "Ryan, I-I need you!" I cried out, his eyes glazing over from my words.

He removed his fingers before his head was pushing at my entrance and slowly making it's way inside.  "Oh fuck, Logan," he breathed out as he continued to enter me until I was completely filled.

I held onto his shoulders as he began to move, his hips thrusting back and forth. "Faster, Ryan, please," I whimpered against his shoulder as he began to obey my command. He moved faster but this time hitting a spot within me that caused me to see stars as I cried out in pleasure. With a smirk on his face, he continued to hit the same exact spot over and over again, my nails clawing at his back as louder moans fell from my lips.

"Shit, you're tight," Ryan groaned as the tension within me grew. He stroked me once more while pounding into me, sending me over the edge. I cried out his name several times as I was filled with unimaginable ecstasy. I rode the waves of pleasure and as I came down from my high I watched his face contort into an expression of pure pleasure as he came as well, gasping out my name as he did.

Once we had calmed down, he layed his head next to mine, his breathing harsh and uneven. He placed sloppy kisses on my cheek before laying down and pulling me under the covers with him. "That was nice,"  I giggled as I cuddled closer to him. His chest shook as he laughed as well.

/ / / / /

the next day...

"So, does this mean we're going out now?" I giggled as I watched Ryan struggle to get ready. I felt lighter than usual, as if a massive amount of happiness was forced into me and I couldn't get rid of it, it just consumed me.

"I think most people would go on a date first," he yelled from the bathroom, the sound of running water almost overpowering his voice. A few seconds later, he popped his head out of the bathroom. "Let's go on a date."

"oh, wow, really?" I stood up and looked in the mirror, shocked at how messy my hair was. I struggled to fix it, my hands combing through the tangles and making my hair seem more presentable. "How about just going to the beach?" I heard him mumble an agreeing response before we began to make our way downstairs.

After a good ten minutes, we were at the local beach and surprisingly, the weather was absolutely perfect with only a few dark clouds in the distance. But as I looked out at the wild waves of the ocean, I suddenly realized that my happiness right now was already starting to fade away but I wasn't sure as to why.

"Oh man, I have't been swimming in forever!" Ryan exclaimed. I turned to look at him and noticed how he was suddenly only in his boxers. Before I could respond, he threw off his shoes and began running towards the water. Giggling, I followed him towards the water, making sure to remove my pants before I actually got in.

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