Chapter Fourteen- Again

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this week has been so stressful. you might as well kill me now

And if that meant taking away some of those problems then maybe that's what it took.

Chapter Fourteen- Again

Ryan's POV

It was scary to think about how much Logan had to go through every day and how many burdens he had to carry around. He refused to tell his best friend and mother about his bullying so he had to conceal his pain. He couldn't stand up to his enemy so he had to deal with this constant torment from a ignorant narcissist. On top of that, he had to worry about me and my problems and my abusive father who happened to have threatened Logan. But even through all of these issues he had to cope with, he was still bright and beautiful and I couldn't help but want to preserve that beauty. And if that meant taking away some of those problems then maybe that's what it took.

I didn't know if I could ever forgive myself if something happened to Logan because of me. For example, my father. He actually found Logan's house by stalking me and that was extremely dangerous and foolish of me.

My father's warning would never leave my head and I knew I had to do something. I had to return to him, to promise him that I would never see Logan again, in order to save him. Because I knew if I didn't, my father's threats would just increase.

So that was the reason behind why I was currently dragging Logan away from class. I had to talk to him about what I was thinking before I changed my mind. I knew there was a small chance that he would understand and I knew he would probably hurt from what I would say but I was doing this so he could be safe.

I would still protect him from Scott but I had a duty to protect him from my father as well because I refused to be the reason if he was hurt. Because if my father hurt him then that meant I failed Logan and I harmed him as well.

"What is so important that you had to drag me out of class?" Logan asked as he struggled to keep his ice pack on his head. I pulled him into an abandoned classroom before closing the door and resting my head against the cold surface.

My heart was pounding incredibly fast as I thought of what might happen. "Ryan, come on. You're scaring me." I spun around, my eyes staring into the endless beauty of his.

"I just now realized how much shit you go through," I breathed, my bangs covering my line of sight as I stared at my shoes. "You're incredibly strong, Logan."

"If this is a pep talk, I don't need it. I know how to handle myself."

"I don't know if it's best for me to be around you right now." I glanced up to meet his eyes and was hurt by the pain I saw. "You're already dealing with a lot and-"

"You don't get to decided what's best for me and what's not." I went to speak again but he cut me off. "I love having you in my life, even if that means I may receive a couple threats from your father. I can handle it. "

"Well I can't. You don't understand the extent of my father's threats." Logan scoffed, removing his gaze as if he didn't believe my words. "You have to understand that I'm not doing this to hurt you, I'm trying to protect you."

"Not trying to hurt me?" He chuckled, sadly. "That's funny because that's exactly what you're doing. I'm so tired of your games, Ryan." He spared me one last glance before pushing past me and exiting the room, slamming the door on his way out.

I had thought he would understand but I stood corrected. But maybe I was in the wrong, this time. Maybe keeping my distance wasn't the best decision but it was too late for that now.

Without a single worry about school, I exited the building and headed towards the one place I dreaded the most. I was going mostly because of my father. I still had to make sure he was okay and well. Even if he did make my life a living hell, he was still my dad. If I were to lose him, I wouldn't have much left. My goal was to bring him back to the man he used to be.

But when I entered my once joyful home, I came to find that it was empty. I searched the building, top from bottom, and even noticed that his chair was not covered in old beer cans.

Without my father, the house was silent, too silent. I didn't appreciate the silence, not when I knew the history of this building. Frustrated and confused, I left the house, wanting nothing more but to forget the past events of the day.

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