Chapter Seven- Dad

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I take a rlly long time to update my stories wow

I wasn't going to stand by and watch Logan get hurt. Not again.

Chapter Seven- Dad

Ryan's POV

 "You know, I really thought you were pretty cool," Scott yelled in my face, "I guess I was wrong." His fist seemed to fly in slow motion before it hit me in the stomach, causing me to choke and clutch my stomach. A familiar pain began to develop in my abdomen and I forced myself to keep my tears at bay. I knew I could fight back, I knew I could beat him but for some reason, I was just too tired to fight back. 

I made an effort to punch him in the face but that only seemed to anger him more. I dodged his next punch and his fist slammed into the lockers behind me. I took that as an opportunity and took off down the hallway. But I had forgotten that he probably played some sort of sport and he was running behind me in seconds, not a bead of sweat on his forehead. I was yanked back by the collar of my shirt and slammed back into the lockers. 

Dodging his attacks was easy at first until he decided to push me to the ground and kick the living shit out of me. I groaned into my arms as I tried to cover the most important part of my body- my head. 

I always thought if it ever came to a point where my life was at risk, that I would at least fight back. But now that my life is actually at risk, all I could do was sit and take it. I'm not the big, tough guy everyone believes I am. I'm just as weak as anyone else. 

His foot connected with my face this time and on instinct, I bit his ankle, even though my eye was pulsing in pain. Growling, he hauled me to my feet and stared into my black, swollen eyes, as if my misery brought him joy. Out of hatred, I spat in his face, satisfied with the response I received. He, angrily, wiped his face before pushing me harshly into the lockers. I kicked at his stomach but even then, he pushed me into the lockers again. The third time he pushed me, my head snapped back and connected with the hard metal. 

The world swirled around me and the person in front of me slowly unfocused and before I knew it, I was staring at the back of my eyelids. 

The next time my eyes opened, I was staring at white ceiling tiles. Groaning, I sat up, my body pulsing in pain. I looked around me, surprised to see a sleeping Logan on the plastic chair by the door. I swung my legs off the bed, my hands gripping the sides to balance the sway of the room around me. Scott's face flickered through my mind, his face scrunched up in disgust and a hint of guilt in his eyes. 

"Shit," I said under my breath as I slid to my feet, which also hurt for some strange reason. My small exclamation seemed to woke Logan up. He yawned before his eyes slowly pealed open and locked on me. His eyes were glued to my body before he quickly looked away, his cheeks a bright red.

It wasn't until then did I realize that I was shirtless. I stared at the long white gauze that was taped to my side. I was surprised that I was hurt so badly that I required bandages. I poked at the bandage and my body flinched in response, a dull pain accompanying the reaction. I snatched up my stained shirt and pulled it over my head, careful not to touch my swollen eye. Leaning back against the bed behind me, my eyes drifted close. My mind was blank, making it difficult to not focus on my aching body. 

"There's some Advil on the counter," Logan's delicate voice said, piercing the silence. I glanced at him with through my one good eye before reaching for the pills on the counter. I shook two red pills into my hand, my throat burning from the sudden remembrance of my excessive pill taking in the past. I quickly threw the tablets into my mouth, hoping the painful memory would disappear. Turning on the sink, I dipped my head and allowed the cool water to run inside my mouth. The water flowed out of my mouth and down my chin, soothing my split lips. 

When I was done, I sat back on the bed as I rubbed my eyes with the soles of my hands. "You're bleeding," Logan said.

Not alarmed, I looked down at my shirt, a spot of blood forming on my side. I reached to pull up my shirt but Logan's hand was quick to stop me. His fragile hand was cold compared to mine.

Without saying a word, he grabbed another bandage and a tube of ointment and began to aid me. I pulled my shirt off completely, allowing him more access to my wound.

I felt the small tug of my skin he pulled the bloody band aid off. I didn't dare look at my wound. Logan suddenly froze and I already knew it looked bad.

A cool substance was placed over the cut, a new bandage following it. His hand remained on my abdomen, the coolness of his hand seeping through the thin bandage and onto my warm skin.

I looked down at the small boy, his eyes glittering in the bright light of the nurse's office. I hooked my index finger under his chin, tilting his head upward so he was looking back at me.

"Whats wrong?" I asked as I placed my hand over his.

"I caused this. I'm sorry," he whispered, his bottom lip quivering slightly.

"Just consider it as pay back for all those times I didn't help you," I replied. His lips formed a small smile, causing me to smile as well.

A sudden bang was heard behind us and a nerve wracking voice followed the sound.

"Get away from my son," my father bellowed. I slowly turned towards him, surprised that my father had actually cared enough to show.

The anger was clear in his eyes, an emotion I was used to when it came to my father.

He marched angrily towards us and reached to grab Logan but I was swift to move in his way. I wasn't going to stand by and watch Logan get hurt. Not again.

My father stared into my eyes and I stared right back. I know the loss of my mother was hard for him and it was ridiculous to take it out on an innocent boy he knows nothing about.

"Go home, Dad," I demanded, disappointment evident in my voice. I grabbed my shirt and Logan's hand before exiting the room.

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