Chapter Six- Don't Kiss and Tell

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i dont feel like ediing this lul

I didn't know what I was thinking when I grabbed him and pulled him towards me until our lips met.

Chapter Six- Don't Kiss and Tell

Ryan's POV
My eyes were well rested and my head didn't ache like it usually did in the mornings. I felt okay, a feeling that was unfamiliar to me until now, a feeling that had me smiling on accident.

I glanced around the bedroom, admiring the sun light that leaked through the window and into the room as it illuminated the entire space. Paintings and drawings were still thrown everywhere but even in this mess, it was better than what I had at home.

I pulled on my clothes, that Logan had washed for me while I was resting, and headed downstairs, where I hoped he was waiting for me. The minuted I reached the bottom of the stairs, a rich, sweet smell captivated my senses and had me following the smell until I reached the kitchen.

A frail woman stood in front of a stove as she flipped over what seemed to be pancakes, carefully blowing away strands of her hair whenever it would fall into her eyes. The rest of the kitchen seemed to be extremely clean, minus the piles of food that sat on the table, waiting to be devoured.

Logan was no where in sight, causing me to rethink coming downstairs. But before I could leave, the woman decided to speak.

"Oh, you must be Ryan," the woman cheered, her face instantly brightening. I offered her a smile before I was pulled into a hug, that had me breathless afterwards. "I'm Logan's mom but you can call me Carol."

"Good morning," I stated, my voice weaker than I last remembered. Something about her kind presence made me feel uneasy, and shy.

"Come and sit down. Breakfast is almost ready," Logan's mom announced as she went back to bending over the stove while she hummed a joyful melody of some sort. I sat down in the closest chair and hoped that Logan would come so I wouldn't be all alone with his mother. Not that I was complaining. His mother was wonderful.

I stared at the mountains of food that sat on the table in front of me. I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten a meal that wasn't takeout. My hand tightened around my fork as I thought about how good the food must taste. Making sure no one was looking, I pierced a piece of sausage with my fork before shoving it in my mouth and not giving myself anytime to actually enjoy it.

Without thinking, I shoved some eggs into my mouth and continuing that process until the plate was nearly empty. "Wow, I guess you were hungry,'' Logan said as he appeared out of nowhere. Before I could respond, a burp exited my mouth and I immediately clamped my hand over my mouth. Usually, I wouldn't be embarrassed about burping in public but today, I was with Logan and whenever I was with him, all my normal actions seemed disgusting.

He chuckled softly before grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet. "We're leaving, mom!" He yelled back at her as we exited the house. The calm sun beated on my back as the wind blew my hair in wild directions, cooling my body to where the sun didn't effect me at all. "I'm guessing we're taking your bike."

"You guessed correctly." I pulled the helmet onto his head before we mounted the bike and drove off towards school, the last place I wanted to be. It only took a good 20 minutes until we got there.

Logan's arms were still secure around my waist when we fully stopped and his head was still resting against my back. I tried to ignore the fact that I could feel his member against my backside but his constant motion didn't exactly help.

"Logan, we're here," I stated. He glanced around before hopping off the bike. He removed his helmet, revealing his pink cheeks as they flared from embarrassment. I placed the helmet in my lap, not taking my eyes off the beautiful boy in front of me.

I didn't know what influenced me to stand up. I didn't know what I was thinking when I grabbed him and pulled him towards me until our lips met. Bite I certainly know my mind was completely blank as I kissed this boy, that painted and had an adorable face. I barely knew him and yet I was kissing him, kissing him to the point that my lips had their own heart beat.

His lips felt soft against mine and his once gentle smell of cologne smelt strong now. I inhaled deeply, trying to take in as much of him as I could. My fingers played with the hair that framed his ear, looping the strands between my fingers.

But then I remembered and I pushed him away, every ounce of happiness I had before was completely slipping away. I noticed others around us were watching and I noticed that my heart rate had increased since I stopped kissing Logan.

I glanced back at the red faced boy standing in front of me. He seemed to be in a daze as if he wasn't sure if this was real or not. Taking a deep breath, I turned off my motorcycle engine before walking away and leaving Logan by himself in the parking lot.

My fingertips skimmed across my swollen lips, surprised that I had actually done it. I didn't even know why I did it. I walked faster toward the building, hoping the stares and whispering would stop. I knew they were talking about me, staring at me and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I went from being invisible to being the newest topic of the entire school building. I messed up everything because of a stupid kiss.


A ringing filled my ears as the tardy bell rang throughout the building. It was sixth period and I was still getting nasty stares and occasionally being pushed into lockers. I was being treated like I was a fucking parasite that everyone was trying to kill slowly.

My fingers roamed through my hair as I stared blankly at the board at the front of the classroom. Logan suddenly walked through the door, handing the teacher his pass before limping towards his seat. I watched silently. His left leg was injured, anyone with eyes could see that but only some knew the reason behind it. I was one of those that knew. Someone did that to him, someone that I hated and I had no idea why I hated that person.

He was suddenly tripped and fell hard to the tile floor. I watched as he screamed in pain, the teacher rushing to his side to assist him. But all I did was bite my lip and look away, hoping that this day would just end already.

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