Chapter Eleven- Run Away

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i was looking at the stats for all my books and it literally made me cry. thank you guys so much for the continuing support. you dont understand how happy it makes me and omg im starting to cry again, okay. im done.

 My heart was hammering in my chest as if it also feared the possibility of actually telling him that.

Chapter Eleven- Run Away

Ryan's POV

"This is so much better," I sighed as I relaxed into the makeshift bed made out of a pile of blankets and pillows that layed next to his bed. Logan jumped onto the bed next to me, his body landing on my stomach, causing me to groan in pain.

"Oh, woops," he laughed as I pushed him off of me and threw my arms behind my head. I stared at one of the paintings that hung on the wall. It captured the endless beauty of a random river that reflected the sunset and all of its colors. A small emotion erupted in my chest and I couldn't help but smile. The painting made me feel strangely happy and made me wonder what it would be like to run away to place like that- a place that only contained peacefulness and happiness.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked, his teeth carelessly biting my lip. Reaching over I pulled his lower lip away from his teeth. Not only was the lip bite distracting but I didn't want something so beautiful to be damaged in any way.

"Running away," I paused to point at the picture on the wall, "to a place like that. Or just running away in general." This response caused him to sit up straight.

"You would take me with you, right?"

"You have too much to leave behind, Logan."

His face turned red as he tried to process his next response. "Like what? My bullies who constantly harm me over my sexuality or my dead father or a mother that is so clueless-" But I cut him off, my fingers tucking his bangs behind his ears.

"Your mother loves you and so did your father. I lo-" But I was cut off by the sudden banging that came from downstairs. Logan was quick to get up and run out of the room. But I stayed behind for a few seconds, surprised that I had almost told Logan that I loved him. My heart was hammering in my chest as if it also feared the possibility of actually telling him that.

After shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I jumped up and joined Logan and his mother downstairs. "Where's my son?" my father's voice echoed through the house, his voice sending chills down my spine. I grabbed Logan quickly by the wrist and pulled him behind me, afraid of what my father would do if he saw him. I made an attempt to approach the front door but Logan grabbed hold of my shirt and jerked me backwards.

"Is he going to hurt you?" he asked, his voice low as his gaze shifted from me to the front door. I glanced over as well, worried as to how Logan's mother was handling the situation.

"No, I'm going to fine. Everything's okay." I tried to force a smile but my face just seemed to stay in a frown. I went to move again but Logan pulled me back once more.

With half his face buried in the sleeves of his jacket, he said, "I don't want you to go. I don't want him to hurt you."

"What do you want me to do, Logan?" He glanced once more between me and the front door, his feet bouncing up and down as he tried to think of what to do.

"Run away." I began to question him but he only continued speaking. "Run away with me, like you said earlier. I have an emergency stack of cash and we have your bike and-"

"What about your mother, Logan? We can't just leave. Not with my father like that." I pointed towards the door, noticing how my father was practically screaming. I felt bad for Logan's mother at that instant but she seemed to know how to talk to someone who was enraged the way he was. I listened closely to what she was saying until the moment she invited him in for a cup of tea. Before I could react, Logan grabbed my arm and pulled me upstairs and into his bedroom.

"I'll call my mother later. She's dealt with people like this. It's her job." He paused to close the door before turning around to stare at me. "Once he sees that you aren't here, he'll leave and we'll come back safe and sound."

I was beyond speechless. This boy was willing to run away with me in order to save me from any physical abuse from my father. I could handle the pain but Logan didn't seem to understand that it was okay. I couldn't possibly just leave my angry and drunk father in the hands of a fragile woman. That would be bad manners or something, right?

I watched as Logan grabbed a random back pack and began packing it with clothes and other necessities. "What about your-"

"She's going to be fine, Ryan. Trust me." He went to his closet empty handed but came back out with a small bag full of money that was labeled 'emergency'. "We'll only be gone for a couple of hours, just long enough for your dad to cool down and for my mom to work her magic. You need to get away anyways."

"You don't even know my father. He isn't abusive, Logan." It was amazing to me that I was still lying to this kid, that I could possibly lie about this.

"I've seen your bruises, Ryan. You're not hiding them as great as you think you are. No more arguing, we're leaving." He zipped up the back pack before grabbing my arm and leading me downstairs, where we tiptoed out of the house. I couldn't stop myself from looking back, feeling awfully bad for leaving my father there, even if he did swear that he would never lay a finger on a woman. He would only abuse their son in front of them, that's different apparently.

We hopped onto my bike and with one last look at the house, I drove off, hoping that all would go well and we would finally get a break from this madness.

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