Chapter Three- Hurt

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for any one reading this in 2015, this is my second time writing this because there was a glitch in my account idk.

Chapter Three- Hurt

Ryan's POV

I was sitting on the damp ground, my eyes trained in front of me and my stomach growling uncontrollably. It was hard trying to suppress these sudden feelings I had for Logan but it had to be done. I spent too much of my life, trying to build up these imaginary walls to protect myself from unwanted company. I wasn't going to let some small, adorable boy mess all that up.

"Can I sit with you?" someone asked from behind me. I had to shield my eyes in order to see Logan's face and just like that, those bottled up feelings were released and my stomach was suddenly in knots. I shook my head quickly before staring back at the field that was spread out in front of us, a couple of students playing football. "Do you want half of my sandwich?"

"I'm not hungry but thanks," I mumbled, not bothering to make eye contact because I knew if I did, I would feel those agonizing feelings again and that was the last thing that I wanted.

"Watch out!" was suddenly yelled before a football was hurling towards us until it met the thick skull of Logan, causing him to fall backwards from the impact. I was too shocked to ask if he was alright so I just watched as one of the students ran towards us to retrieve his ball.

"I'm so sorry," the boy said, his eyes wide from concern and anxiousness. Logan sat up slowly, his palm rubbing his head in small circles, as he handed the ball back to the student.

"Was this fag bothering you?" some other student said as he ran up to us. I noticed his set features immediately, the sharpness of his jaw and the curious, angry look that creased his eyebrows. That was Scott, the one that enjoyed to harm Logan.

The student from before seemed nervous now that his buddy was here. He glanced between Logan and I before mumbling a 'yes' to Scott.

Without a second thought, Logan was being lifted into the air, Scott's grasp on firm on Logan's shirt, before he set him flying until he met the cold, concrete ground. I could only watch as Scott laughed in Logan's face, his anger filled eyes only causing more harm to the boy.

But for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to do anything about it. It was if there was an invisible magnet holding me to the ground and all I could do was watch in shock. It wasn't that I didn't want to help Logan. Of course, I wanted to help him, to save his sweet, perfect skin from being harmed but I couldn't.

Scott gave Logan one more punch in the stomach before turning towards me, his eyes softening slightly. "Are you his boyfriend or something?" he questioned, his fist by his side, ready to hit me if necessary.

I glanced at Logan before looking back at Scott. With a set jaw and hard eyes, I simply said, "no". He chuckled, spat on the ground near Logan's curled up body, and walked off, leaving me behind with a crying boy.

Once Scott was back to playing football with his pals, I finally found the strength to help Logan. I reached out, my hand resting on Logan's shoulder, hoping to catch his attention. "Don't you dare touch me!" he cried, his eyes filled with so much anger and disappointment. But my heart beat barely faltered because I was used to the look. It was the same look that I received from my father, more times than I could remember.

"I just want to help-"

"I don't need your help," he spat, harshly, before wiping off his hands and rising to his feet. He spared me one more hate filled glance before storming off.

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