Chapter Thirteen- Knight in Shining Armor

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Scott's reflection showed the anger and disgust that was apparent in his eyes

Chapter Thirteen- Knight in Shining Armor

Logan's POV

"We have fifteen minutes to create a spectacular piece," I exclaimed, my fingers pulling at the thin strands of my hair. I fumbled to open the paint, my hands shaking from the pressure. We had been so caught up in doing nothing that we completely forgot about our project that was due today. I wasn't reminded of this until I stepped foot in the school and I immediately got Ryan to agree to skip first period with me so we could work on the stupid project. "We have to like create something that represents our personalities, right?"

I glanced over my shoulder, noticing how Ryan was looking down at his paper, his hand covering half of his face. "Are you even listening?" When I didn't receive an immediate response, I knocked his arm down, causing his head to swing forward until it met the hard surface of the desk, waking him up instantly.

"What happened?" he mumbled, his eyes half open.

"You weren't even listening," I sighed before turning my attention back to the blank canvas, its emptiness agitating me. "I can't paint in fifteen minutes. What am I doing?"

"Relax, Logan," Ryan breathed into my ear, his hands soothing my tense shoulders. His gentle fingers were soothing away any stress I was feeling while his breath sent shivers down my spine, reminding me of our previous night.

He placed his lips on my neck, traveling downward until he reached my shoulder. I reached behind me, attaching my fingers to his hair as a gasp escaped my mouth. I suddenly wanted him really badly and I couldn't remember what I was so stressed about before.

His hands met the skin underneath my shirt, the roughness of his fingers rubbing against the sensitive area. "We have to finish the project," I managed to breath out. I gripped the sides of the desk as he palmed me through my jeans, my hips bucking against his hand as if begging for him to touch me more.

"The project can wait," he whispered in my ear, his erection pressed against my backside. He quickly turned me around before pressing our hips together, the friction sending waves of pleasure through me.

"I really need to starting p-painting," I gasp as I moved to reach for the paint. But the paint suddenly escaped from my grasp, spilling red paint everywhere while Ryan's hand buried itself within my pants, pumping me with fast strokes.

"Fine. Be that way," he groaned before detaching himself from me and sitting on the table, where the paint had not touched. Annoyed and frustrated, I rolled my eyes before beginning to add random paint strokes on the empty canvas, my erection still straining against my pants.

/ / / / /

"I really appreciate what you were trying to capture in your artwork," the art teacher stated as she continued to admire our last minute project. After continuous torture from Ryan, I decided that I didn't exactly care about the project any more. I just added random strokes while using two different colors and blended it the best I could. To my surprise, the teacher actually liked our project.

"You know, there was a reason why I put you two together," she stated as she turned to look at us. "You two have such different personalities. I thought you would struggle with this painting but I stand corrected. Well done, boys." She smiled once more before moving on to the next pair of students.

"Holy crap," I mumbled under my breath, staring wide eyed at the crappy painting. I glanced at Ryan, noticing the smirk that was still glued to his face.

"I'm proud of you." He moved towards me, his hands resting on my small hips as he pulled me closer, causing me to look around to make sure no one was watching.

"You should be. I was the only one that did anything." I made an attempt to remove his arms. He frowned slightly, questioning as to why I didn't appreciate his public affection. "I don't want someone to see."

With an irritated countenance, he moved away from me, focusing his attention on our teacher as she spoke to other students. Before I could say anything, the school bell rung throughout the building, informing us that it was time for lunch.

"I'll meet you outside," I said with a smile. I watched as he walked away, his shoulders tense like usual. Sighing, I exited the room, stopping by the bathroom to wash my paint covered hands.

I glanced in the mirror, noticing the wide eyed boy staring back at me. Sometimes, I couldnt understand what Ryan saw in me, why he adored me so much. I looked average, my personality was average, and I was overall average. So what was so great about me that kept him interested? I would love to be able to see myself how others saw me.

"I saw you and your boyfriend making out this morning," a bitter voice said from behind me. A shiver traveled down my spine, my body knowing exactly what was about to happen. I glanced into the mirror, once more, and noticed that my reflection wasn't the only one present. Scott's reflection showed the anger and disgust that was so apparent in his eyes.

I tried to form some semblance of a sentence but nothing seemed to leave my mouth, as if I had forgotten the English language. "You disgust me," he hissed into my ear before he suddenly grabbed the back of my hair and pulled my head backwards, painfully.

I quickly yelped for help but I knew no one would be there to help me. With a simple yank backwards, I was thrown against the tile wall, my back aching from the brutal contact. My vision was becoming blurry, the pain being the only thing that I could focus on. I wanted so badly for this to be over, for my body to finally give up and let me have the sweet kiss of death.

"I thought I gave you a fuckin' warning, " a voice suddenly said before Scott was roughly pushed against the opposite wall. I glanced over my arm, surprised to see Ryan. There was a surprising amount of anger within his deep eyes and it was unbelievable how he was reacting to the situation. I had no idea he cared about me this much.

Once he had a strong grip on my enemy's shirt, his fist winded back before slamming into Scott's face. I felt so small as I watched Ryan harm Scott and all I could do was curl into myself and wait for it to end.

After a few louder, bone-fracturing punches, Scott was freed from Ryan's grip before stumbling off in the opposite direction, his hand attached to his bleeding nose.

"It's okay. I'm here now, Logan," he whispered in my ear, his arms wrapping around my body before pulling me close. I immediately reacted to his touch, my head burying itself in his shoulder as tears fell freely from my eyes.

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