Chapter One- School had it's Ups and Downs

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ok so it's short but i was havingmajor writers block with this story. i've been promising this story for several months yet but could never finish the first chap so sorry. but idk if i should continue with it idk. tell me what you think.

I looked up and met the eyes of the most beautiful person ever.

Chapter One- School has it's Ups and Downs

Logan's POV

"Maybe you should just go home, dear. I can call your parents if you want." the nurse offered but I quickly declined her offer. My parents couldn't find out about my bulling and they might never know. I just shook my head and tried to stand up but every movement, made my ribs hurt. "Take it slow." I nodded my head again as I slowly stood up.

I muttered a 'thank you' before limping out of the nurse's office and heading to my next class - chemistry. As I passed by my locker, I picked up my back pack and dragged it behind me. I opened the door to the classroom and could feel all  eyes on me, making me feel self conscious.

"Mr. Prescott, you're late, again." my teacher, Mr. Bailey, said. I glanced up at him before turning and limping to my seat. Chuckles and snickers were heard all around me as they saw me limp.

"Wimp." my main bully, Scott, said, knocking my books out of my hands when I passed by. The books met the floor with a loud thud as my classmates burst into laughter. I was so used to this that I didn't even cry this time.

I bent down to pick up my books but quickly got back up when pain shot through my ribs. I tried to bend down again and as I was, a pair of hands were already picking them up. I looked up and met the eyes of the most beautiful person ever.

His hair was jet black while his piercing hazel eyes stood out against his pale face. His lips were thin yet plump at the same time. He finished picking up my books and we stood together. "T-thank you." I stuttered as I grabbed my books, my fingertips brushing against his hand. More snickers were heard but I chose to ignore them.

He nodded his head before returning to his seat, which by coincidence was right next to mine. I sat in my seat and turned towards one of the only people that I cared about, Sam. Her umbre blue hair was braided down her back, her face showing more than usual.

"Are you okay?" she whispered. I nodded my head and told her I just fell. She didn't know about my physical bullying and I hoped to keep it that way. She didn't seem to believe me but decided to not ask any further questions. 

"Who's he?" I whispered as I motioned to the guy sitting next to me. She glanced at him before a smirk appeared on her lips.

"New guy from upstate. Says his name is Ryan." she said before she focused her attention back on her work. I looked over at him and couldn't help but notice how beautiful he looked. It was hard to focus the rest of the class period with a sex god basically sitting right next to me. I stole glances at him throughout the class and secretly, hoped he didn't notice. 

When the bell rang, I jumped out of my seat and ran out the door, trying my best to avoid people. My next and last class was Art and I was more than thankful. That was the only class I had that didn't include hateful people. It was the only class where I could express myself. 

When I made it to the classroom, I walked in quickly and took my regular seat in the back. There were very few students in this class and I enjoyed it very much. Taking out my paintbrush and paint, I began finishing up my piece from yesterday. Our assignment was to recreate a famous art piece and I choose the Starry Night. In my opinion, my painting could be better.

"That's really good," A voice said from behind me, causing me to jump and drop my brush on the floor. I turned to glare at the person behind before picking up my brush. When I saw who it was, my heart started pounding against my chest. It was Ryan. 

Did he really just say my painting was good?

"Didn't mean to startle you, my bad." he said with a chuckle before he set up his work space in front of me. The rest of the class passed by in a blur and I got absolutely nothing done because basically I couldn't concentrate with him standing right in from me. I don't think I would be able to handle having him in such a close proximity for so long. 

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