Chapter Twenty- Oprah

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That was not how I wanted to remember my beautiful mother. 

Chapter Twenty- Oprah

Logan's POV

I combed my best friend's hair with my fingers, last night's events replaying through my head. She looked so peaceful in her slumber as if she was an innocent child who didn't have a care in the world. I like this look rather than the depressing one she had a few hours before. 

She stirred in her sleep before she opened her mouth to speak. "You're still here," was all she said. I smiled at that. 

"Of course I'm still here. I wouldn't leave you at a time like this." I replied. She fell silent again, her eyes staring off into the distance and she pulled her blanket tighter. 

Shortly after I had found Sam, her parents and cops arrived, concerned looks on all of their faces. Once they found us in the bathroom, they didn't know what to think. But then they saw the pills on the floor, my bloody hand, and then the crying girl in my arms. 

What hurt me the most was how her mother reacted. She was angry as if her daughter had betrayed her in some way. Her mother quickly gathered all the pills off the floor before throwing them away and approaching us. "Now, you listen to me, you ungrateful child. I have worked too hard to give you the perfect life. This is the last I will see of this," her mother had said, her hands holding her daughter's face still. 

"Your daughter just tried to kill yourself and this is how you react?" I asked her, purely surprised by how she was acting. She was her mother. She was supposed to protect her but the only thing she cared to protect was her high reputation among her rich community. 

But she only ignored my protest and staggered away in her five inch red heels. Her father looked us with sympathy before kissing his daughter's head and walking away to deal with the cops. Leaving me to be the one to actually help their daughter. So I helped her up and to her bedroom, making sure to wipe her face off with a wet wash cloth. 

"Thank you, Logan. I'm sorry you had to see me like that," she sighed as she rolled onto her back, her eyes staring at mine. "I could hardly handle my family issues and then Scott came along- I was weak."

"What do you think I'm here for? I'm here to pick you up when you're weak. If I didn't, who would?"

"You, my friend, are right." She glanced at her alarm clock that sat on her bedside table. It read 11 a.m. "Did you sleep at all last night?" I shook my head. I had stayed up all night, watching over her, making sure she was safe and protected. "You are truly the greatest person I know."

She pulled me into her arms and we sat in that position for a good three minutes, just enjoying each other's warmth. I eventually pulled away, my shoulder soaked from her tears, which led to me wiping her eyes with the pad of my thumb. 

I was busy comforting her when there was a knock on the door. Confused, I helped lay her back down before opening her bedroom door and was surprised to see my boyfriend on the other side. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my eyes wide from shock. 

"Well, I went to your house but your mother said you were helping Sam not kill herself? Is that true?" He asked as Sam laughed at his question from inside her room. I opened the door wider, allowing him to see my tired friend. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Sam stated before pulling the sheets over her head and blocking us off. Ryan's eyebrows raised as if he expected me to explain on her behalf. 

"She's okay now. Don't worry about it."

"Well, I was hoping we could talk and maybe we could go visit your mother." My ears perked at the mention of my mother and I instantly agreed to his proposal. I glanced over my shoulder at Sam but she was already fast asleep. 

I grabbed my phone before allowing Ryan to lead me out of his house and into a random car I had never seen before. It wasn't until I went to actually sit down did he notice my hand. "What happened?" he asked as he looked at the wound. 

I had cleaned it but it was still a fresh, open wound, which was probably not a good idea to leave it out. But Sam didn't have any band aids and there wasn't much I could do. 

Without listening to my response, he grabbed a shirt from the back seat, tore a strip off, and used that to bandage my hand. And for some reason, I was touched by this. But all I said was, "Thank you."

After that, it was silent, an awkward silence. I could tell he wanted to talk to me about something but he didn't have the courage to say anything. "If you have something to say, Ryan. Say it," I stated, my fingers pulling at the fabric that was wrapped around my hand. 

"I can't stop thinking about Scott kissing you," he replied, his eyes staring straight ahead at the road. "After everything he's done to you. All because he had the hots for you?"

"The hots for me? You're so cute." I went to pinch his cheeks but he only slapped my hand away, the seriousness returning to his face. "Look, I'm not happy about it either but it's sort of satisfying-"

"Satisfying? You wanted him to be gay? Why?"

"That's not what I meant-"

"Then what did you mean?" His knuckles turned white from his tight grip on the steering wheel. Noticing this, I placed my hand on top of his, hoping to ease away his anxiety and stress. 

"It's kind of like revenge. He's beating me up for being gay when in reality, he's the same way. Now maybe, someone will beat him up for it." Ryan glanced at me quickly before returning his attention back to the road. 

"I'm sorry." He placed his hand on my leg, giving it a tight squeeze before putting it back on the wheel. "Do you want to tell me what's going on with Sam?"

"She has family issues and Scott just added to her problems. She couldn't handle it."

"And surprisingly, you can."

"I'm not handling anything. I'm merely ignoring it." Done with this conversation, I began to look out the window, my mind completely blank.

/ / / / /

Ryan's hand tightened around mine, causing me to look back up at him. He gave me a comforting smile before pushing me towards the hospital door. But I was scared for some reason. I didn't want to see my mother in a hospital bed with tubes and such attached to her sickly body. That was not how I wanted to remember my beautiful mother. 

"Come with me," I stated, my hand gripping his. He looked nervous for a second before pushing off the wall to join me. I opened the door slowly, my mother and her bed coming into view. 

"Oh, Oprah," she said as she laughed at whatever was playing on the TV but when she heard us come in, she clicked it off. Her face instantly brightened when she saw us and I ran towards her, my arms wrapping around her shoulders.

"I'm so happy you're okay," I breathed before we pulled away and I could get a better look at her. But she didn't look sick or anything like that. She was the same mother that would cook breakfast for me in mornings as she sang a soft a melody. "Why didn't you tell me about your heart?"

She sighed. "I didn't want to put anymore stress on you. You were already dealing with those bullies at school and I didn't want to burden you, sweetie."

"But she should've told me."

"I'm a grown woman. I can take care of myself." She smiled once more before turning to see Ryan standing by the entrance. "Hello, dear."

"Hello, Ms. Prescott," he replied with a closed mouth smile. 

"You take care of my boy while I'm here, okay? No funny business," she ordered, her eyes squinting as she stared at the both of us. Ryan only chuckled in response. 

"Time for your medicine, Ms. Prescott," a nurse sang as she pulled in a cart next to my mother's bed. We all said our good byes before departing. 

"Thank you for coming with me," I said once we were inside the same strange car from before. "Who's car is this?"

"It was my mom's. I usually don't use it but my bike is in the shop," he replied. "And you're welcome." I placed a soft kiss on his cheek but before I could pull away, he grabbed my chin, joining our lips together. I pulled away with a cheesy smile on my face and red blush on my cheeks. 

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