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this might start off sounding like a movie.

im so sorry.
I'm so cringe bro-

please forgive me:,)

also mini VERY MINI smut?

      "F-Fuck Rintaro! Right there!" You moaned as your sisters ex boyfriend continued to hit your g-spot.

Yes. Your sisters ex boyfriend.

How'd you get here? At this moment? Well... your sister which is older, got a boyfriend first thing when your 2nd year started. Out of every boy in the school she had chosen the school player, Suna Rintaro or as you call him, dickhead.

Before we actually continue... maybe we should start from the actual beginning .

»»————getting ready for your first day————-««

    "Fucking hell y/n!  Did you take my hair brush !" Your sister, Aiko yelled from the bathroom. "no! Ask Kai!" You replied.


      You heard Aiko stomp her way to your older brother's room. Which was your best friend of the family. No matter what. He was there for you and you were there for him. When you went you went through your first breakup. He was there.

     You were patting your skirt down when your sister came in the room.

   "Ya ready?" She said chewing her gum. It drove you nuts how much she chew so loudly. To make it worst she did it on purpose and if you did anything to her she'll go running to your dad, cause she's daddy's favorite.

"yea.." you said fixing your thigh high socks. 

"You look like a whore." She said pulling a piece of gum out of her mouth, stretching it and twisting it with her finger.

"And you don't?" You snapped back.

"What would dad think if you're talking about your sister like that." She said.

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