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trigger warning ! : mentioning of addiction, rehab and more!

not proofread !!!!

you and suna arrived back at your dads house. the second you got to the door step to open the door you struggled to open the door but the second you opened the door you regretted coming home.

"what the..." "fuck." suna finished your sentence. the whole downstairs of your fathers house was ruined. "holy shit-- kai?" you call out.

"im upstairs!" he yelled back.

you quickly jumped around all the trash that was downstairs and made your way to the stairs. the first step had a picture of you that was framed was now broken on the floor, glass everywhere. you walked past it and as you went up the stairs there was more and more pictures of you. your face either ripped or crossed out.

"your sister is crazy.." suna mumbled. " tell me about it." you reply as you reached your room.

everything in your room was destroyed. pictures, posters and tapestries that once hung up in your room were ripped off the walls. your bed that was once made and pretty was flipped over on the floor. your clothes that once hung neatly in your closet, torn into shreds and all over your room. kai stood next to you while rage filled within you.

"where the hell is she?!" you smiled.  "in her room..." kai said.

you sped walked down the hallway, grabbing a vase from the deceration table that was in the hallway. her bedroom door was closed so you kicked it down. you saw that she was laying in her bed trying to sleep.

you slammed the vase onto the floor of her room then walked up to her bed, grabbed her by the roots of her hair, quickly dragging her out of her bed.

she screamed loudly, kicking her feet while you dragged her down the hallway, down the stairs to the living room.  both kai and suna watching for a second but then just going into kai's room to ignore everything else.

"you're fucking psychotic!" she screamed at you while you began throwing glass cups,plate and many other things at her.

"you-" *crash!* "dumb-" *crash!* "fucking bitch!" *crash!*

"i didn't do anything!"aiko sobbed back at you while trying to dodge the things you were throwing.

"then what the fuck is all this, huh? over what? a boy you didn't even give a fuck about?" you yelled at her.

aiko's fake tears dried up. "you have a little crush on him don't you, y/n?" she said with a teasing smile. "does it hurt you that i played with him, manipulated him just to make him numb so he wouldn't go to you? does it hurt y/n?" she laughed at you while getting up and patting her skirt down to make it look nicer.

you looked at her in disgust but smiled to yourself, knowing that this was going to happen and all this was planned out.

you and aoi had made a plan about a month ago but it didn't come into play until two days ago.

the plan wasn't even a plan it was just something that was bound to happen regardless. Rintaro and Aiko were gonna eventually break up it was bound to happen so you and aoi made sure with Iwaizumi, Aoi's cousin, that Oikawa would already have a girlfriend so Aiko couldn't just go to him. Afterall we all know about her obsession and attachment to him.

knowing that aiko has a heavy drinking addiction like your father, after getting rejected by the 'love of her life'. you knew she'd go straight to drinking and getting wasted. But her coming home making a mess and throwing a tantrum was just a cherry on top.

aiko continued to yell at you about how she treated suna because of you. little did she know though your father was about to walk through the door.

"you called me a dumb fucking bitch but look at you now, tearing up." she pushed you onto the floor the bent down to your level, raising her left hand about to slap you.

"AIKO L/N. WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE?" your fathers voice echoed throughout the house.

aiko stopped in her place while you backed up slightly, then stood up.

"father s-she was throwing a whole tantrum like a child. throwing things all over, did you see how she was just about to hit me!?" aiko said fake crying.

"you're cleaning all this bullshit up and you're out of the house." your father said looking at aiko. your father gave you a look as if he had dismissed you so you made your merrily way up the stairs.

"w-what?!" she screamed. "y-you're joking r-right? you're just bullshitting! you have to be! y/n literally made this mess! this isnt even my fault! you saw the way she was just about to hit me right?!" she lied

˚♡꒰two month time-skip ! ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔

a few weeks ago, aiko was kicked out of your fathers house and he sent her to a rehab clinic due to her heavy drinking problem. now in this moment its the first week of summer vacation. you and suna were in your usual spot where the two of you meet every night, the hill.

you and suna have gotten even more close than before yet still aren't dating. but now you were on top of his lap.

"cant believe you're leaving for your moms tomorrow." suna said, looking up at you while you stretched.

"its only for two months rin, then i'll be back." you yawned then smiled at him.

"but that's basically the whole summer...?"

the two of you sighed. you began to stare into space.

suna guided your eyes to meet his, "guess we should make this a night to remember, huh?"  he said before bringing you into a kiss.



anyway hey beaches how are youuu!!!! thoughts on todays chapter???

luv yall!!

dont forget to drink water and to eat ! have a great day/night !!!

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