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"This is the l/n residents correct?" A brown-haired male asked.

"correct... why?" You said.

"I'm Oikawa. Aiko got a little wasted. So I came here to drop her off." The male smiled.

"Oh. Ok. You could just drop her on the couch or bring her up to her room." You said.

"where is her room exactly?"

"Upstairs, take a left then it should be the second to last door on the right." You said as you moved away from the door to give him space to walk in.

Your phone began to ring.

incoming call from suna

accept decline

call accepted!

"hello?" You said.

"Who the fuck is that guy." Suna said on the other line.

"I'll explain in the car." You said rolling your eyes and hung up.

You picked up your skateboard from the ground and you bag that was sitting on the couch then made your way outside to suna's car.

"so who the fuck was that guy?" Suna said as soon as you got in the car.

"His name is oikawa. Aiko's new boyfriend." You said.

"Why was he here?" He asked.

"To drop off Aiko's drunk ass. Now can you stop asking questions before I go back inside." You said.

Suna just turned his head to the wheel in front of him and turned on the engine.


Suna took you to a park for the both of you to just cool off, hang out and eat.

"So she moved on. So quickly. How do you feel about that?" You said after taking a sip of your drink.

Suna stayed quiet while looking away to avoid answering your question.

"Suna, I know how you feel ok... I've been there. Keeping quiet isn't gonna help your problems. Just talk to me about it." You said.

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