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Once the car finally came to a stop. Everyone at the car meet was looking at your car. The car had left dirt flying in the air.

You exited the car as someone approached you. You closed the car door and turned to meet a tall dirty blonde male. His face was similar to Osamu's.

"That was sick." He said with a smile on his face.

"Thanks?" You laughed and walked over to the passenger side where Osamu was.

The car door opened and Osamu pulled you down so you two were face to face.

"That's my brother. Atsumu. my twin brother." He whispered.

"Shit really?" You whispered back.

"You two love birds stop yapping. Y/n you need to get to the starting line over there." Aoi said.

"Fine." You groaned and got in the car.


After a while of talking with a few random people, it was almost time for the race to start.

"Hey, are you the one with the red and black mustang convertible?" Someone said tapping your shoulder.

"Ye-" you cut yourself off at the view of  Suna Rintaro standing in front of you.

"Y/n?" Suna said lookin at you up and down. "You look gorgeous." Suna smiled.

"Thanks?" You said. It sounded more of a question than anything though.

"Oh, Suna this is the hottie I was telling you about earlier," The dirty blonde boy from earlier said walking up to the both of you.

"watch it Tsumu. I'll beat your ass." suna mumbled.

"Damn why you so protective now?" you laughed.

"Shut the fuck up." suna said.

You ignored him and walked towards your car where Osamu, Aoi, and Mattie were talking.

"Get in that car miss girl the race is about to start in two minutes," Mattie said.

"so meannn," you said wiping fake tears.

"Get in the damn car," Osamu said getting in the passenger's seat.

"fine whore." you mumbled as you got in the car.


You and Osamu sat in the car listening to a person explain where you have to go. Which is somewhere around Hyogo the back.

"Ready... 3...2...1.. Go!" the person announced.

You wasted no time moving the gear to drive and hitting the gas.

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