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"Nice to meet you Mitsuki!" You smiled, as you let go of your bag.

"nice to meet you y/n." Mitsuki smiled back.

"Suki, I'm gonna show y/n her room then I'll come back for dinner, ok?" Your mom said.

Your mom took you past the stairs into a hallway with 2 rooms. She brought you into your old room which had everything in place. Not a single thing is out of place. But there were gift bags and boxes on the floor.

"they're all yours except the four over in the corner, they're your Kai and Aiko." Your mother smiled.

you turned around and hugged your mother.

"Thanks, mom." You smiled.

"you're welcome sweetie" she replied.

She was about to walk out of the room before she turned back to you.

"as you unpack I'll go get your plate ready, Then I'll bring it over here?" Your mother asked.

"yea that's fine." you smiled.

"ok be right back!" She smiled and walked her way out of your room.


After a while of unpacking and taking a break to eat the food you were finally finished.

You were now laying down on your bed just scrolling on your phone when you got a notification from Twitter.

'Aoi.ka mentioned you in a comment'

ka mentioned you in a comment'

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