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two months later

Saturday, march 21st at 12am

two months had passed, suna & aiko got back together and just had broken up again because one, aiko didnt like that suna wouldn't share his feelings and two, she was cheating on him again (again yea i know 🤢)

but now that you and rin were close friends, which your sister, aiko, did NOT like. suna rintaro was the type of guy to not share his feelings no matter what. but when he was with you, he'd talk to you about his problems. as if you were some sort of therapist of his.

now you and suna were on at the hill he took you to that one night. just laying on some random blanket he brought, looking up at the stars after just talking shit about aiko and how he was done with her. suna sat up from his laying position, "y/n?" suna said before turning his head to you.

"yes rintaro?" you said not moving your vision from the sky. "isn't the moon is beautiful tonight?" he asked, barely above a whisper. you sat up from your laying position, making eye contact with him.

"What are you on about rin?" you giggled. "The moon. it's beautiful." he said louder before looking up at the sky and smiling.

he looked at you again. your guys' eyes meeting again. "y/n..." he said hesitantly. you looked at him confused.

"yes rin?"



"nevermind." he said as your phone began to ring.

"okay.." you said before drawing your attention to your phone.

kai !! is calling !

accept decline

[accept] decline

"hello?" you said answering the phone. "y/n where are you at??" kai asked in a panic. you were confused now. why did kai sound like he was panicked ? "im at the park with suna, why ?" you replied.

"Aiko came home drunk, crying over Suna because he doesn't love her or whatever. and dads not home to deal with her. she just finished breaking a shit ton of things in the house now shes fucking up your room, like messing it up. which its turning into a huge mess right now. can you come home?" he explained.

"Fuck." you sighed. "I'll be home in a hour." you then hung up the phone and turned your head to the boy next to you. "rin can you take me home? there's some shit going on with Aiko and—" Suna cut you off with an abrupt kiss. as much as you wanted to give into it.

you pulled away.

"rin..." you said barely above a whisper. "i want you y/n." he said looking at you. he held your hands with his before pulling you onto his lap.

his green eyes keeping contact with your e/c eyes.

"Ever since i saw for the first time at that one game against Nekoma. I just knew I wanted you" you looked at him confused.

your mind went back to when you and Kenma were dating and you want to one of his games for the first time, Suna was eyeing you the whole time.

"Suna i--" you were cut off by him. "it's fine if you don't feel the same. I just wanted to let you know." he says with a slight frown on his face.

"No, it's just Aiko-" "I dated her to get closer to you, y/n" he smiled.

Both of your eyes locking in with each other, you smiled back. the two of your faces getting slightly closer to one another, lips nearly touching, the heat from each body keeping each other warm. You latch your lips onto his, both moving in sync.

you felt each other smile in the kiss, his hands that were keeping him up on the grass moved onto your hips, giving them a slight grab.

after a minute, he pulled away, the both of you heavy breathing.

"let's take you back home, yea?" he breathed out.

a/n: quick short chapter i know! its better than nothing tho <3

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