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"COME ONNNN. SPILL! WHAT HAPPENED?" Aoi screamed into your airpods.

"nothing happened!!" you lied then smiled.

"you little bitch!" Aoi gasp. she then took a facetime photo

"AOI!" you yelled.

"your ass thought you were slick and would get away with it." she said then sent you a message.

it was the facetime photo and it had a bright red color drawn onto it, near your neck area.

the circle showed the light faded hickeys kenma had left and you'd had covered.

"you suck at hickey covering." kenma whispered as he got onto his bed to lay with you.

"shut up" you giggled.

"shit, baes calling, talk to you later babe!" Aoi said then hung up.

you took out your airpods and placed them with your phone on the nightstand next to kenmas bed.

"you're so gorgeous." kenma whispered as he gave you light kisses on your neck.





"all mine"

he whispered all these things with each kiss leading down to your stomach. then he stopped to lay back next to you.

"god i miss you." he said then leaned in to kiss you.

in which you kissed him back. he slid his tongue into your mouth which lead to a make out sesh. but of course the moment had to be ruined by someone calling you. you checked who it was.

rintaro !! is calling

answer it?

do i-?
no i'm with kenma...

"it's my brother. i'll be back." you said getting up from kenmas bed and leaving to the guest room.

you answered the call and placed the phone to your ear.

"hey y/nie~" suna said in a sing-song tone.

"suna, what do you need? i'm kinda busy right now." you whispered hoping kenma couldn't hear you.

"baby, i miss you. when are you coming home?" he whined.

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