Chapter 35 - Louis

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Harry's whole body is rigid as he stares at the spot on the floor the unconscious man was just sprawled. I have a sinking feeling that I know who it was, but I'm not ready to accept it yet.

But by the way Harry looks like he's on the verge of completely falling apart. The way his voice broke when he said those three little words with tears in his eyes that are now flowing freely down his cheeks.

It's him.

I move to get out of bed so I can try to comfort Harry, ignoring the slight pain erupting all over my chest from my ribs.

When I'm within reach, I wrap my arms to the best of my abilities around Harry, feeling his body immediately fold, his knees giving out. I help him sink to the floor, letting him curl up in my lap.

His whole body shakes with the intense sobs wracking through him. The sound alone bringing tears to my own eyes and making my skin crawl.

I hate to see him in pain.

If there was a way for me to take all of his pain as my own, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Feeling his tears soak my sweats has my chest ache in more ways than one. The pained noises escaping him making it next to impossible to stifle my own. But I do. He needs me.

"He-he. I –", Harry tries to speak but gets cut off by choked sounds escaping his throat. His whole face blotchy as he looks up at me in desperation. Trying hard to explain what his poor eyes witnessed.

"Shhh. You don't have to say anything, baby. Just breathe for me. Ok?", I shush him when he tries to speak again, stroking his cheek gently, rubbing his shoulder in an attempt to soothe him in any way I can.

I lean down to plant a soft kiss on his forehead. "Just get it all out, darling. It's alright."


"Mr. Horan has suffered a lot of bruises and cuts all over his body. He has a few broken ribs and a concussion. His nose was also broken, so we're gonna take him into surgery to fix that in a minute. But he's gonna be okay. He might have some memory loss from the concussion, but if that happens, just know that it's only temporary. But we'd like to keep him here for a few days to monitor him."

The doctor exits the room, giving me time to process.

Niall looked broken when he was laying on the floor. Harry had eventually gotten calm enough to explain what he saw in as little detail as possible, probably to spare me the same pain he went through from imagining it. But I'd take that pain if it made it easier for Harry to deal with.

"He's gonna be okay.", Harry breathes in relief out from next to me. His previously tense body finally relaxing a bit.

His face screams relief as he looks at me, "Niall's gonna be okay."

It's like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I can finally breathe again. Niall's gonna be okay. He didn't die because of me. We had to pay a lot to get him back, but he's here.

"When do you guys think we can see him?", Liam speaks up from across the room.

They came back inside after Zayn was doing a bit better, bringing more chairs so we could sit and talk about stuff. We ended up with Harry and I taking the sofa, his head in my lap and my fingers in his hair. Zayn and Liam are sitting on the floor in a similar position.

"After his surgery, maybe.", Zayn tries.

We all nod in agreement before the silence takes over the air again.

I don't know how I'm gonna be able to wait that long. After fearing for his life for days to now finally having him back. And we can't see him yet for obvious reasons.

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