Chapter 36 - Niall

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"And that's why Ireland is the best country in the world. How many more times do I have to tell you this, Harry?"

Harry just shakes his head with a laugh, having heard the many reasons why Ireland is better than every other country a hundred times before. But the fucker won't accept it.

I'll teach him. Even if it takes years, Harry Styles will realise that Ireland is supreme.

"Can't we just agree on equality?", Harry proposes from his seat next to mine on the jet.

"Nope. Absolutely not.", I fold my arms across my chest to further my point.

"Cut him a break, would you?", Zayn pipes up from behind us. "I'm trying to sleep here, but your constant bickering is making that really fucking difficult.

I turn in my seat to look at him. He's got his neck pillow and a set of headphones hanging around his neck. A blanket is draped over him and Liam. Liam looks like he's trying to become invisible, his face tucked in Zayn's shoulder. He might just be asleep too.

Louis sits in the seat next to Harry's. His focus is trained on the movie playing on his tablet, headphones tuning out any noise other than the ones coming from the device.

"Just use the fucking headphones it's bugging you that much."

Zayn mutters something intelligible but covers his ears.

"You should sleep too.", Harry speaks up after a while. "We've still got another 8 hours on this plane, you know."

I shrug, "So should you, Haz. Gotta get some beauty sleep.", I chuckle before adding, "You need it."

Harry shoves my shoulder muttering, "Rude.", before leaning the back of his seat back to get more comfortable. I do the same, feeling my upper body gets lowered as far as it goes.

I close my eyes, trying to tune out the noise of the plane's motor and the fact that we could crash at any given moment if something goes wrong.

Finally, after battling my own mind, darkness takes over.


I'm jolted awake by a surge in my stomach making my heart race and my eyes fly open.

Frantically looking around me, I realise that the plane is going downwards. Fast. To fast.

I look to my right, seeing Harry and Louis both looking as terrified and confused as I feel. Checking my watch only makes the pit in my stomach grow.

We're not supposed to land for another three hours.

This can't be happening. This is all a bad dream, right? We're not actually getting in a plane crash.

A cold sweat breaks out all over my body as it's getting harder to breathe. I look out the window, seeing that we're still a good distance away from the ground. The pilot might be able to fix this.


"Isn't the pilot or someone gonna say something?", Louis speaks, his voice filled with fear in anticipation of what's coming.

"What's happening?", I hear Zayn trying to get out of his seat. Liam holds him down by the hold on his shoulders, begging him to stay put.

The noise of the wind outside the metal box that's supposed to be one of the safest methods of travelling is deafening.

Eventually drowning out every sound. Every voice. Until all I can hear is the overwhelming fate we share.

I'm frozen in my seat. Rigid and unable to move. The fear paralyzing my muscles. I try to speak, but my mouth stays shut. All I can do is feel the tears start welling up in my eyes as we get closer to the end.

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