Chapter 53 - Harry

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(It wouldnt let me add it as a header :,( 

I slip my hand into Louis' the second we're out of the probing eye of the public, turning the corner to a back alley. The light is dimmed from the tall buildings caging us in.

A few very romantic, overflown dumpsters on either side of us that makes my nose wrinkle at the abhorrent smell.

Confusion is written all over his face as his blue eyes meet mine. "Since you're forcing me to stand next to garbage, you have better got a plan to tell me what your genius plan is right now."

"And what if I don't?", I tease, taking a step forward so he has to crane his neck to maintain eye contact with me, making a smug grin spread on my face at the annoyance I know he is feeling right now.

Louis raises his eyebrows at me, "If you don't tell me your plan right the fuck now, then no kisses for you for a week. And I won't play with your hair before Washington."

I gasp at his threat, clutching my chest with a pained expression on my face, stumbling backwards until my back hits the wall. I let myself sink slowly down, the bottoms of my shoes scraping against the ground as my butt hits the gravely pavement.

I make myself hyperventilate, refusing to blink so tears will start forming in my eyes. I sniffle dramatically, burying my face in my hands with an over exaugurated cry. "How could you say something like that?", I hiccup into my palms, "You-you know h-how much I lo-love it when you p-play with my h-ha-hair."

Someone should give me a fucking Oscar nomination for this performance.

Louis rubs my knees, giving it a squeeze through my wide-legged, beige trousers before he grabs my wrists, cupping my jaw with a mischievous glint in his eye that has me raising an eyebrow at him with my cheeks still moist from the forced tears.

"I guess you better just tell me right now.", Louis situates himself on my lap, knees on either side of my thighs as his nose is nearly touching mine. I can smell the mint gum he was chewing a few minutes ago as his breath fan over my lips.

Just as I'm about to open my mouth and give in, the thought of not getting any kisses or horrible braids from the love of my life something I simply refuse to get behind, the sound of a camera clicking to my right has our heads snapping in the direction of the noise.

A girl looking to be around 16 years old is standing in the middle of the street with her hand clamped over her mouth, bouncing lightly up and down on her feet in excitement as her eyes are locked on Louis and me on the ground.

I can see tears brimming in her eyes her hand dropping to her side with her jaw on the floor.

The realisation slaps me in the face when I realise what this all means, immediately rolling Louis off me while being careful not to hurt him before I get up, quickly pulling the girl into the alley by her forearm. I let go of her the second she is out of view, scolding myself for touching her without her say so.

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