Chapter 49 - Harry

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The moment the words written on our backs were out in the open, my heart stopped working for a second. Until the roar of the thousands of people surrounding us drowned out everything.

The lyrics stream out of our mouths, but it's all on autopilot. I don't think as the words are formed. I don't think as the song moves on. I don't think as I feel eyes on us from every angle. I don't think as we probably give ourselves more trouble than we solved.

I definitely don't think about the possible consequences of our actions.

Not when I feel like I'm on top of the world from the adrenaline filling my bloodstream as 'history' comes to a finish.

"Thank you, New York!", I raise my hand in the air as I take my mic off the stand, the green and blue sticker still hanging on, "You all look amazing."

We had discussed whether or not we should just pretend like nothing is different. That we don't have words written in nail polish all over our backs. "This next one is gonna be special. So if you can all turn your flash on, that would be lovely.", Zayn speaks, his voice magnified by the speaker as he joins me on our walk down the stage to where we can sit comfortably.

The other boys follow, Louis' shoulder brushing against mine as he walks past me. Just a little too close for two people who apparently hate each other.

A sign held by a young man in his 20s is held high above his head. The words 'Harry. You're an arrogant son of a bitch, but I love you!', all written in caps.

His eyes meet mine, and I force my face into an offended expression, "Hey, Niall. Come look at this.", I wave him over. Niall practically bounces over to me, following where I'm pointing. He squints for a second before he laughs, shoving me a little.

He raises his mic to his mouth, "Harry. You're an arrogant son of a bitch, but I love you.", making everyone cheer. I can't even bring myself to look at the other boys, knowing they're all going to be all smug about it. They've teased me about that one line countless times. Which is why I've made it a conscious decision not to sing 'To Be So Lonely'. At all.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Calm it down.", I scowl at Niall for exposing me this way, only wanting him to smile a little after looking like someone is holding a gun to his head ever since we abandoned our jackets. "And you, young man, have a fantastic outfit."

If a person could actually make light shine from themselves by smiling, the room would be lit up by him. He looks so be in his twenties. I guess his recreation of my Fine Line album cover outfit makes up for the bruise his sign gave my ego.


"Salmon can suck my dick! Seriously, Niall?"

I can sense Niall trying not to laugh at how red Joanne's face is as she's screaming at us for the stunt we pulled. In her exact words, we 'ruined our fucking stupid, useless careers with such crude words'.

I tuck my bottom lip into my mouth to refrain from grinning when the she-devil turns her attention back to me, pressing her finger into my chest as she walks a little too close, "And you. Don't think I didn't catch that little change in Little Things, Mr. 'if you look in my backyard, you definitely won't find Simon's carrot'. Which wasn't even in the set. I'm going to have to reconsider letting your band stay on."

I step forward, straightening my shoulders and forcing her to move a few steps backwards on her short little legs, "First of all. Do not touch me without my consent.", I shock myself with how stern my voice sounds, "Second of all, you don't go anywhere near the extremely talented musicians we have the privilege to be touring with. Do you hear me?"

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