Chapter 52 - Louis

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"Louis Tomlinson! You need to calm the fuck down!"

Zayn grips my shoulders, his fingertips digging into the flesh as he practically shakes me. I shake him off me, pulling my phone out ready to make a really angry phone call to several people. But I don't get to when Liam rips the device out of my hands before I can even unlock the thing.

"Give it back.", I try to ask as calmly as possible despite the rage making it feel like my skin is on fire. The words on the articles and tweets that are already flooding on the internet playing on loop in my mind.

The pictures of the three of them walking together. The two of them holding hands. Laughing. Smiling. Laughing.

The theorising about how they're so happy together. That she is probably pregnant. Or that they're in love. And there isn't a single thing I can do about it. Not one. Not without the consequences being worse than they already are.

For all of us.

"What can I do? How can I help? Tell me.", Zayn spins me around so I'm forced to look at him again. His face is full of concern. Rightfully so.

I smirk, the idea popping in my mind making a smile curve on my lips. "Let me dye your hair again. It all feels like a knife to the heart.

But instead of letting myself wallow in it by breaking down into a puddle of frustrated, jealous tears, I snatch it back before I throw my phone at the wall in pure anger from how furious it makes me. Liam flinches at the loud thud of the device smashing against the wall before clattering to the floor of the hotel room. The mark left in the wall from the force of it is slightly darker than the rest of it.

"Ok.", Zayn claps his hands down to my heaving shoulders, gripping it so he can lead me to sit down on the sofa. "I think that we should do something to take your mind off of this, shall we?" He keeps his voice cheerful. An obnoxious smile on his face.

I sigh, obliging by sitting my ass down, the soft furniture forming around my body as I let myself relax. "You could let me have my shoulders now, mate.", I tell Zayn with a weak smile, "I know I'm pretty. But my shoulders? Come on, Zee."

I can hear Liam trying to stifle a laugh from behind me.

"I hate you.", Zayn deadpans before dramatically flinging himself onto the sofa, planting his feet in my lap as he settles with his head resting on his hands. "Foot massage please?"

I raise an eyebrow at him. My eyes slowly drifted from his face to his feet. Then back up again. Liam is still trying to keep himself quiet as I ask, "This your idea of taking my mind of Harry and Niall out with some chic? Harry and his lady friend holding hands. Giving you a foot massage?"

Zayn shrugs, wiggling his socked feet in my lap. "Never said it had to be fun. For you."

Liam chuckles, "You're something, aren't you.", as he lifts Zayn's upper body so I can slide in behind him and get Zayn's head in his lap. Zayn hums as Liam starts massaging his scalp with his fingers, "If this is what it gets me, then fuck yes, I am."

"This isn't really fair, you know.", I point out, still refusing to touch Zayn's feet that rest heavily on my thighs.

"And why is that?" Zayn is too busy practically purring as Liam keeps working on his scalp to talk.

I sigh. "Because I am the one with no boyfriend here. Mine is off. So the two of you should be doting and spoiling me with massages. And tea. Me.", I whine while pointing at myself. "With you two all lovey dovey, I'm feeling a little lonely over here."

"You have my feet, Lou.", Zayn dismisses me, snuggling his head further into Liam's hands, "That is a privilege not many people get. You should be grateful, really."

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