Chapter 45 - Harry

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The anger. The fear. The grief. The worry.

The weight of the world on my shoulders is being tuned out.

Overridden by the pure rush of adrenaline that surges through my blood every time I hear the intro of the first track.

The feel of the people crowded together just a wall away.

The vibrations of their chants rattling my body as our arrival is within range. When they know it's only a matter of seconds until our platforms are going to rise to the stage, and the show has begun.

It's a rush unlike any other. It's the kind that makes you feel like you could fly if you tried hard enough. The kind where your pulse is going a million miles an hour and you can hear your heartbeat ringing in your ears as it hammers in your chest.

It's a rush I've been lucky enough to experience as much as I have without actually putting my life on the line for it. Not physically at least.

It's the high I've been riding for the past 10 minutes.

The buzz in my veins as we sang together on stage for the first time in nearly six years. Eleven years after that life-altering moment five boys became One Direction. Eventually growing into the men who are now currently occupying Madison Square Garden.

The narcissist in me has very much enjoyed being on stage again. Seeing all the lovely signs our fans have brought.

"Now why would you bring that up, Liam?", Louis imitated my accent as he stalks over to where Liam is stood, his tank top flailing behind him as it sticks to his chest and abdomen as a result of the water Liam has already managed to pour on him.

I can't even fight off the huge grin tugging at the muscles in my cheeks from where I'm standing at the opposite end of the stage.

We all agreed on wearing an outfit that we wore on stage back in the band. It was quite entertaining to see what the other boys came up with.

Louis put on one of his bright green coloured trousers and a black tank top, while Niall is wearing the same outfit he wore at San Siro in 2014.

Liam is wearing his clothes from our last show from OTRA. I went for the suit I wore at our last performance as a band at the x-factor before the hiatus.

Zayn wanted to keep his a secret though, refusing to let anyone know what he was going to wear.

We sadly didn't get our mic colours. They've instead just got out initials on them. Which to be frank, I think is pretty bloody rude.

I'm not granted any more time to wallow over the loss of microphone identity, at least we still have the mic stands, before the intro to 'right now' start playing softly.

Lights go down and the night is calling to me, yeah

I hear voices singing songs in the street and I know

I close my eyes as I feel my own nerves about what's going to happen stir while still feeling my dimples pop out from the sound of Louis' voice sounding the lyrics so beautifully.

It goes against every fibre in my body not to look at him as if he hung the sun, the moon and the stars in the sky.

That we won't be coming home for so long, for so long

But I know that I won't be on my own, yeah

I love this feeling and

Niall absolutely nails his solo, but I don't even have the chance to appreciate it when Zayn's platform rises as he sings the verse as flawless as ever.

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