Chapter 47 - Louis

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"I'll only be out for an hour, Boo.", Harry wraps his arms around my waist, leaning his chin on my shoulder as he presses my back to his chest from behind me, ignoring Niall with his fucking cell phone up and taking a video of it.

I scowl at Niall, the shit-eating grin on his face getting under my skin, but his words make my whole face flush with colour, "You two should just get married already. You're practically married already. The rainbow bears are your children."

"Do not bring Bo and Alfie into this, Horan. I'm warning you.", my fingers releasing Harry's hands to flip Niall off, Harry whining from the lack of contact, "I'm going to be without you for hours and you let me go now."

"Who eve comes up with the name Alfie?", Niall mutters under his breath as he finally puts his iPhone back into the pockets of his purple slacks before saluting us saying a 'captain out', before going to his hotel room again. Where he'd been for me to say goodbye to Harry.

We're acting as if he's about to go to war, when all he's doing is going shopping with Zayn and Liam.

Harry chuckles, burying his nose in my hair, "Alfie is a great, name. I'm telling you." The warmth if his breath fanning over the side of my neck, making a shudder travel all the way down my spine as I relax back against his chest.

"Sure, it is babe."

I feel a slight pinch to the flesh on my side, making me jolt slightly. A loud whine forcing itself out as I try to wiggle out of Harry's iron hold on my torso. Harry only laughs, pulling me tighter against himself as he murmurs, "No sarcasm here, Boo. But I've gotta go now.", making me huff in disappointment, "Sorry. But I'd rather Liam and Zayn let me keep my jewels."

"Yeah.", I reluctantly agree, "Need those curly headed, green-eyed babies. Can't have anyone taking that from us, can we." I realise too late that the words that came out of my mouth, wasn't meant for anyone to hear.

Harry's entire body tenses up slightly, panic settling in my chest as I rip myself out of his hold so I can come face to face with him. Instantly missing the heat of his body against mine.

I expected to see him looking all pale and horrified from my thoughtless statement.

But I am slightly taken aback by the flush to his cheeks and the way his eyes shine in a way that makes me want to crumble under his gaze.

Without a warning he's once again engulfing me in his arms, a laugh of joy warming my heart as his face finds its way to the crook of my neck.

"You want that? You really want kids with me, Lou?" I can feel the skin of my neck getting wet as his voice trembles slightly. "You're not fucking with me, right?"

"No, I'm not.", I whisper as I place my hand in his hair. "I imagine we get a beautiful house somewhere in England, after we're married, of course. And then we'll adopt first. Because there are so many children out there who need parents, and you and I, Haz, we would be great parents. Then we could get a surrogate maybe. Unless we get a real troublemaker the first time."

I want to cry from all the love filling me to the brim. My heart is about ready to burst with it as I can feel Harry smile against me, "They'll of course love our music as that's all we'll play for them. When they're little, we'll sing them to sleep, and they'll crawl into our bed in the middle of the night because they miss us. We'll go on road trips. Screaming songs at the top of our lungs as they bicker in the back seat. And when they get older-''

Harry interrupts me, his voice still trembling with emotion, "When they get older, we'll embarrass them. We'll embarrass them so bad they won't talk to us for days. but we'll also be there for them for anything and everything they need. When they have their first boyfriend or girlfriend, we'll probably try to intimidate them, warning them about messing with our baby. And when we're old and bald, they'll still be there. And we'll be wrinkly old men sitting around playing FIFA with the boys. But we'll never act our age. We'll drive our kids and grandkids insane by telling the same stories over and over again."

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