Chapter 42 - Louis

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Liam and Zayn are both asleep since it's nearly three in the morning. We all stayed up, stressing to get everything ready for the 31st of May. Which is our deadline.

We have been working like crazy on getting everything done and I needed a break. So did Niall and Harry.

Liam and Zayn wouldn't exactly be pleased if they were awake for this. Especially Liam. He would be furious with how immature we're being.

When Niall came back home after disappearing a few days ago, Zayn had told me Niall wanted to get a tattoo. More specifically, a tattoo on his butt. When Zayn came in looking confused as hell, I was rolling on the floor, clutching my stomach from how hard I was laughing.

Now he's laid flat on his stomach with his ass in the air. Hollering whatever song that's playing from the speakers.

This is a bad idea. This is a really fucking bad idea.

But fuck it. We need some fun and excitement in our lives after being crammed in the house and stressing about everything the past two months.

The last sixty days of our lives. Every day since Niall shot me that text when I was stuffing my face with the pizza I got from the pizza delivery dude I yelled at. When I was the lonely guy who talks to his dog every day.

First, it was stressing about whether or not the boys were going to hate the idea of coming back before we tried coming up with a plan to actually come back. Then I got in the accident and Niall was taken.

Simon has been on out asses about finishing in time. Practically taunting us with how he won and there's nothing we can do about it.

My leg is still being a bitch. Meaning I can't do shit myself. At least not without it taking ages.

But right now, I'm pretty comfortable with Niall's legs resting in my lap.

"Ow! What the fuck, Louis?", Niall sends me an accusing look. His hand rubbing his left butt cheek through his basketball shorts.

"If you can't handle a little pinch, then how are you going to do with a needle poking your skin over and over again?"

Niall huffs in annoyance before taking another swig of the bottle he's been petting like a cat for the past ten minutes.

"How much weed have you smoked, Horan?", I ask carefully.

Niall thinks for a moment, "Nothing. This is just the vodka talking, mate."


"How's our client doing, Lou?", Niall moves so he can lay his torso on Harry's thighs, mumbling about how he was comfortable.

"He might be clinically insane, but he's alright.", I chuckle as Harry fiddles with the equipment, positioning his foot on the pedal and putting everything else he needs on my left.

That bastard spilled ink on me when he did.

"Nothing new, then.", Harry grins, pressing his lips against my forehead quickly before patting Niall's side to get his attention. "You sure about this, Ni?"

"As sure as Lou is short."

"Hey!", I whine, "You're not much taller than me. Dumbass."

"Shush, my children.", Harry shushes us before turning his lopsided grin into a serious face.

He clears his throat forcefully before he starts making sure Niall is completely on board with this," Ok. So this is how this is going to go down, Niall. You ready?"

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