Chapter 5 "More of The Truth coming out"

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Bea's POV:

The Cadets are Playing outside with a Beach Ball and Both Me and Speedy watched as They played together. I saw The Four Cadets noticed that We were watching Them and They waved at Us and We smiled and We waved back at Them. Once We waved We waved Back, The Cadets continued to play The game but than I noticed that Speedy was still waving at Them and I looked at Him and He noticed that I was looking at Him and He stopped waving and I chuckled.

Swift's POV:

"That was pretty nice that They just did" Said Brody

"You mean Waving at Us?" I Asked

"Yes" Said Brody

"Yeah, I know" I Said

"Our Old Foster Parents didn't waved at Us" Said Rod

"Because They were way too busy of Beating Us Up" Said Brody and I saw That The Ball was bouncing away and Penny went to chase after The ball and Both Rod and Brody looked at Me and-

"Hey Swift, I noticed that Penny was sleeping with You again, Is Everything okay with Penny?" Asked Rod

"Sadly No, She had another nightmare" I Said

"Oh Man...This was like The 10th Time and All of The Other 9th Times, We had to stay really, really quiet, So We wouldn't wake Our Old Foster Parents" Said Brody

"Yeah We all know what happens if We wake Them Up" I Said and-

"Hey Swift, Do You wanna Ask Penny what happened in Her Nightmare?" Asked Rod and-

"No" I Said but-

"Why Not?" Asked Brody and-

"Because I'll burst into tears if I do" I Said and Both Rod and Brody looked worried and They looked at eachother.

"You know Swift, I don't really see You cry a lot" Said Rod

"I don't cry Rod, I can't because I am The Oldest, So I gotta stay strong" I Said but-

"But What happen when Cindy-" Said Rod but-

"I was stupid that I let My emotions get to Me, I won't let that happen again" I Said and-

"Brody, How are Your Blisters doing on Your Legs and Feet?" I Asked and-

"They are good" Said Brody and He was smiling but I knew that He was lying and-

"You're lying, Tell Me The Truth, Did You or Did You not Fix Blisters like Cindy told You?" I Asked but Brody shook His head "No" and My Heart just dropped and-

"Okay, I'll help You with Your Blisters, Also Let's not tell Speedy or Bea about Your Blisters or any other injuries that We still have" I Said and Brody nodded His head and We walked back inside and We went straight into The Bathroom.

Once I close The door, I grabbed a bar of soap and I put it underwater and I gently and carefully rub it on Brody's Blisters.

"I still have that memory when Our Old Foster Parents forced Us to go into a Hot Bath and Cause Us to have Blisters" Said Brody and-

"And Ever Since Than, Both Me and Rod still have Nightmares because of It and That is one of The reasons why Rod feels very uncomfortable when He is taking a Bath and He hates getting wet all The Time" Said Brody

"Why didn't You tell Me about The Two of You having Nightmares?" I Asked and-

"We didn't really wanted to make it Your Problem" Said Brody and-

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