Chapter 34 "The Test"

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Swift's POV:

Me and The Cadets walked into The HQ and We actually have some Drinks for Both Speedy and Bea, So Once We arrived at HQ, We saw Speedy was pacing back and forth.

"What's the matter with Speedy? Is He having a heart attack?" Asked Rod

"What does it look like To You?" Asked Bea

Bea walked in front of Speedy and-

"Speedy, It's gonna be okay" Said Bea but-

"No it won't Honey! It will go down hill, The Inspector will send Us back to Teacher School and Take Our Cadets away! And The Two of Us so badly wanna sign The Papers to The-" Said Speedy but-

"SHH!" Bea Hushed Speedy and She covered His Beak with Her Wing and The Two of Them looked at Us.

"Sign What?" Asked Brody

"Sign The...The Teacher Contract" Said Bea.

Both of Them smiled innocently and We looked at eachother and-

"Okay, What's really going on?" I Asked

Both Speedy and Bea sigh and-

"Inspector Eagle-Eye is coming back to test You Cadets and If He sees that We didn't do any of The Test Right than He'll take You all away and Put Both Me and Speedy back into Teacher School" Said Bea

"But We don't Us to take get taken away from You, You Two are The best Parents ever!" Said Rod

Penny hugged Bea Tightly and-

"That is why We cannot mess This Up" Said Speedy

"We promise We will not let You down, Dad, We Promise" I Said

We hugged Both Speedy and Bea and They chuckled.

"I know You guys won't" Said Speedy

"So, Cadets, We are gonna start Training right now, No distractions will get in Our way" Said Bea and-

"Ooh, Is This a Coconut-Lemon Freezie?" Asked Speedy

Rod gave Him a Coconut-Lemon Freezie and Speedy started to drink it and We looked at Him and Speedy realized what He is doing and-

"Oh Sorry Guys" Said Speedy and We rolled Our eyes and Penny softly giggled.


(Skip Time)

(The Next Day)

Inspector-Eagle-Eye's POV:

Once I walked into Top Wing Academy, I walked into The Control room and I saw Both of The Cadets and Their Two Teachers sleeping.

Oh My God, I am too old For This!


They woke Up and They screamed and They saw Me.

I crossed My Wings and Giving Them a Serious Look.

"Sleeping on The Job?" I Asked

Both Speedy and Bea quickly got Up and-

"N-No Sir, We were training so much last night, We totally forgot to sleep, Sir" Said Speedy


Speedy's POV:

We smiled Innocently and-

"Understandable, Let's do This Test" Said Inspector Eagle-eye and He walked away.

"Man...C-Jay is saving Our Features Under The Grave" I Said

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