Chapter 49 "Mom's Day off, Dad Stays Home"

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(Skip a few weeks later)

Swift's POV:

Everything has been going good, Bea has been getting a lot of rest After The Twins of Course, Rod have been joining Bea while Taking Naps Together, Bea doesn't mind if We take Naps with Her.

Oh! Me and The rest of My Siblings are doing great with Our Training, We are able to do Train, Go on Missions and We still get to have Fun and Spend Time with The Twins.

Mostly of The Time, Me and The Others would always watch The Twins Since it is pretty easy because They are Only Two of Them and They are Five of Us.

Sure...When They were Hatch...And Only A Couple of Days old...They would cry...every night and The Five of Us tried to get some sleep and at least tried to ignore Their Crying since Both Speedy and Bea was trying to calm Him down at least.

I am Surprised that Both Speedy and Bea didn't get mad or snapped because That was My biggest fear...if...They would've snapped...just like Our old...foster parents.

I would go and check on Both Speedy and Bea if The Twins stopped crying...Here is a little flashback for You all.



(Two weeks ago)

After Two Hours of The Twins crying, They finally stopped, I can finally take a breath again because hearing Them cry? It just breaks My heart and Not a great sound to hear even in the middle of The night when You are trying to sleep.

I got Up and I saw The Others had must've fallen asleep, While The Twins are crying...How did They fallen asleep???

Anyways, I stand Up and I walked out of The Bedroom and I walked over to Speedy and Bea's Bedroom, I slowly open The Door and-

"Swift?" Bea Whispered

The Two of Them looked at Me with worried Looks on Their Faces.

"Are You Alright?" Asked Speedy

"Yeah, I heard The Twins Crying and I got worried So I wanna have a check to see if They are alright" I Whispered

"Aw, What a caring big Brother You are, They had just fallen asleep" Said Bea

"How do You do it?" I Asked

"Do what, Buddy?" Asked Speedy

"How do You stay calm? Does it frustrate You?" I Asked

"There are some times when You are a Parent, You can feel a little frustrated with Something, Like You're Baby is Crying, If You're Baby is crying for no reason and That can be a little frustrating because You don't know what You're Baby wants or You don't know what to do, It can get a little scary if You think about it" Said Bea

"That's why You always have to stay calm and try not to feel very frustrated or angry because if You do than-" Said Speedy but-

"Than You're Anger or Frustration will take over You and You'll take all of Your Anger out on The Baby..." I Said

Both Speedy and Bea looked surprised.

"How did you-" Asked Bea

"I...I seen something that...I wish I have never seen before...I...I just..." I Said

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