Chapter 48 "Hatch to be born"

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(A few months later)

Swift's POV:

Bea is actually having The Baby, So Cindy came over and She took it from There, Speedy was pacing back and forth.

"Dad, It's gonna be okay, Mom is just fine" Said Penny

Speedy didn't listen at all and He just kept pacing back and forth and It looks like He was having a Panic Attack or A Heart Attack and I got a little worried and I stand Up.

I walked over to Speedy.

"Dad, Please Take Sit down before You have an heart attack or an Panic Attack, Please" I Said

Penny walked over to Speedy and She pushed Him over to A Chair.

"Alright, Alright" Said Speedy and He sat down and I saw that Scarlett came back from The Kitchen and She had a Bag of Sunflower Seeds.

"It's okay, Father, Deep Breath in, Deep Breath out--" Said Scarlett and-

"THE BABY IS HERE!" Cindy Yelled From The Other Room.

"AHH!" Speedy Screamed Like A Girl and Scarlett fell down, Speedy realized that Scarlett had fall down and He gently helped Scarlett Up.

"You guys are Siblings! You're having a Baby Brother or A Sister!" Said Speedy and He had a Big smile on His Face and So Did Me and My Siblings.

"Come on!" Said Speedy and He ran into The Bedroom and We followed Behind.


Bea's POV:

"You did great" Said Cindy and She patted Me on My Shoulder and She smiled at Me.

I wipe My tears away and I giggled Softly.

I saw The door went open and I saw Speedy and The Cadets and-

"Where is The Baby?" Asked Speedy and He smiled.

I pointed to The direction and-


Swift's POV:

We all turn Our heads where Bea was pointing and We saw A Bassinet, We slowly walked towards The Bassinet and Once We looked inside of The Bassinet, We gasped.

"Twins?!" Asked Speedy and Bea nodded Her head and She smiled.

"Can I?" Asked Speedy and Bea nodded Her head, Speedy smiled and He gently picked Up One of The Baby Eggs and He cradled The Baby Egg.

Speedy gently put The Baby Egg back and Me and My Siblings watched The Two Baby Eggs.

"Now I wonder if It's Two Boys, Two Girls or Maybe Both" I Said Softly.

Both Speedy and Bea laughed softly.


(Skip Time to a couple of Days)

It's been a couple of Days Now and The Baby Eggs have been doing good, Me and My Siblings have been watching over The Baby Eggs almost all day, I mean, Both Speedy and Bea told Us that The Baby Eggs are not going anywhere but We don't trust anything.

Anyways, Both Speedy and Bea have been trying to figure out of what kind of Names that They should give The Twins.

"Okay, We need to talk about The Names again, Bea Love" Said Speedy

"I am working on it" Said Bea

"We might wanna wrap This Up because The Twins might hatch soon, So We have to think one before The Twins doesn't know what Their names are" Said Speedy

"Listen, May I remind You that We need a little more time on The naming and Please don't make Me mad because These Baby Momments that I use to have will get even more worse if You make Me mad" Said Bea

"Yes Ma'am..." Said Speedy.

I giggled Softly and Me and My Siblings turn around and We watched The Eggs.

But than...Both of The Eggs started to shake a little, I honestly thought that I might be seeing things and My eyes must be playing tricks on Me.

I looked at Scarlett.

"Is it just Me or Did The Eggs just move?" I Asked Softly

"You're not The only one who saw Those Eggs move" Said Scarlett Softly

"Um, Mom, Dad" I Said

"What is it?" Asked Speedy

"I think The Eggs are moving" I Said

"They are?" Asked Bea.

Both Speedy and Bea walked over and We all watched The Two Eggs, I saw Speedy gently put His Wing on one of The Eggs.

"It won't be long now..." Said Speedy but than One of The Eggs started to crack.

We all Silent and-

"Okay...It is Breaking or Hatching...I didn't break One of My Children's Eggs...Did I?" Asked Speedy

The Two Eggs was Cracking and-

We all sigh in relief when The Two Eggs finally Cracked Open and We all saw The Two Baby Chicks.

"Aww" We All Said Softly and I saw Bea gently put The Two Chicks in a soft cuddly blanket.

"It's A Baby Boy and A Baby Girl" Said Brody

Speedy smiled and He had tears coming into His Eyes.

Bea smiled and She gently put The Twins in Speedy's arms and Speedy gasped a little but than Once The Twins looked at Speedy, Speedy smiled.

"Hi You Two" Said Speedy Softly and He held The Twins Gently in His arms.

"The Only Thing is left, We need to name The Twins" Said Bea



"Um, Mom" I Said

"What about Bella and Speedy Jr.?" Asked Speedy

"No" Said Bea



"Um...Dad" Said Scarlett

"Why not Bella and Speedy Jr?" Asked Speedy

"Because I am not Naming Bella Acter My Younger Annoying Sister who is just My Mini Abusive Mother" Said Bea

"You have a little sister?!" Asked Speedy

"Let's not get into My Little Sister Now" Said Bea

"Man, I hate to say it but We need to get Basic Sometimes" Said Speedy

"What do You mean?" Asked Bea



"Um! Mom! Dad!" I Said and They looked at Me.

"I think That The Twins already name Themselves" I Said

"What do You-" Asked Speedy but-



Bea Smiled.

"Hey! I know, What about Cheep and Chirp! Those are good names" Said Bea

"You really wanna name Our Twins Cheep and Chirp?" Asked Speedy

"And You're Mother named You Speedy" Said Bea

Speedy smiled.

"Um, It's Speed, Honey" Said Speedy

"You wanna get smart mouth with Me, I know I am not pregnant anymore but I can have those Pregnancies Angry Moments and It is not pretty to see" Said Bea and We all giggled.


End of Chapter 48

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